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13 The interval category
 13.1 Constructors
 13.2 Attributes
 13.3 GAP categories

13 The interval category

13.1 Constructors

13.1-1 CreateIntervalCategory
‣ CreateIntervalCategory( )( function )

Returns: a CAP category

Return the interval category on two objects.

13.1-2 IntervalCategory
‣ IntervalCategory( global variable )

The interval category on two objects.

The category of presheaves with values in the interval category of the boolean algebra 2^1 has 3 distinct objects. This is the free distributive lattice generated by a discrete category with one object.

gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false, ">= 2024.03-10" );
gap> IntervalCategory;
gap> Display( IntervalCategory );
A CAP category with name IntervalCategory:

21 primitive operations were used to derive 327 operations for this category
 which algorithmically
* IsCategoryWithDecidableColifts
* IsCategoryWithDecidableLifts
* IsFiniteCategory
* IsEquippedWithHomomorphismStructure
* IsBooleanAlgebra
gap> SetOfObjects( IntervalCategory );
[ <(⊥)>, <(⊤)> ]
gap> SetOfGeneratingMorphisms( IntervalCategory );
[ (⊥)-[(⇒)]->(⊤) ]
gap> PSh := PreSheaves( IntervalCategory );
PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )
gap> Display( PSh );
A CAP category with name PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory ):

58 primitive operations were used to derive 284 operations for this category
which algorithmically
* IsCategoryWithDecidableColifts
* IsCategoryWithDecidableLifts
* IsFiniteCategory
* IsEquippedWithHomomorphismStructure
* IsHeytingAlgebra
and not yet algorithmically
* IsBiHeytingAlgebra
gap> Y := YonedaEmbeddingOfSourceCategory( PSh );
Yoneda embedding functor
gap> t := Y( TerminalObject( IntervalCategory ) );
<A projective object in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )>
gap> IsTerminal( t );
gap> Display( t );
Image of <(⊥)>:

Image of <(⊤)>:

Image of (⊥)-[(⇒)]->(⊤):

An object in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )
given by the above data
gap> f := Y( InitialObject( IntervalCategory ) );
<A projective object in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )>
gap> IsInitial( f );
gap> Display( f );
Image of <(⊥)>:

Image of <(⊤)>:

Image of (⊥)-[(⇒)]->(⊤):

An object in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )
given by the above data
gap> i := InitialObject( PSh );
<An object in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )>
gap> Display( i );
Image of <(⊥)>:

Image of <(⊤)>:

Image of (⊥)-[(⇒)]->(⊤):

An object in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )
given by the above data
gap> gens := SetOfGeneratingMorphisms( PSh );
[ <A morphism in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )>,
  <A morphism in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )> ]
gap> Display( gens[1] );
Image of <(⊥)>:

Image of <(⊤)>:

A morphism in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )
given by the above data
gap> Display( gens[2] );
Image of <(⊥)>:

Image of <(⊤)>:

A morphism in PreSheaves( IntervalCategory, IntervalCategory )
given by the above data
gap> coYgens := List( gens, CoYonedaLemmaOnMorphisms );
[ <A morphism in
   FiniteColimitCompletionWithStrictCoproducts( IntervalCategory )>,
  <A morphism in
   FiniteColimitCompletionWithStrictCoproducts( IntervalCategory )> ]
gap> List( coYgens, IsWellDefined );
[ true, true ]

13.2 Attributes

13.2-1 Length
‣ Length( a )( attribute )

Returns: an integer

The truth value of the object a in the interval category. It is either 0 for false or 1 for true.

13.3 GAP categories

13.3-1 IsIntervalCategory
‣ IsIntervalCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of an interval category.

The GAP category of cells in an interval category.

13.3-2 IsCellInIntervalCategory
‣ IsCellInIntervalCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

13.3-3 IsObjectInIntervalCategory
‣ IsObjectInIntervalCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of objects in an interval category.

13.3-4 IsMorphismInIntervalCategory
‣ IsMorphismInIntervalCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of morphisms in an interval category.

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