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18 The CAP category of graded module presentations for CAP by use of Freyd categories
 18.1 CAP categories
 18.2 The GAP categories for graded module presentations for CAP
 18.3 The GAP categories for graded module presentation morphisms for CAP

18 The CAP category of graded module presentations for CAP by use of Freyd categories

18.1 CAP categories

18.1-1 FpGradedLeftModules
‣ FpGradedLeftModules( S )( attribute )

Returns: a CapCategory

Given a graded ring S, one can consider the category of f.p. graded left S-modules, which is captured by this attribute.

18.1-2 FpGradedRightModules
‣ FpGradedRightModules( S )( attribute )

Returns: a CapCategory

Given a graded ring S, one can consider the category of f.p. graded right S-modules, which is captured by this attribute.

18.2 The GAP categories for graded module presentations for CAP

18.2-1 IsFpGradedLeftOrRightModulesObject
‣ IsFpGradedLeftOrRightModulesObject( object )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of graded left and right module presentations.

18.2-2 IsFpGradedLeftModulesObject
‣ IsFpGradedLeftModulesObject( object )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of objects in the presentation category over the category of projective graded left modules.

18.2-3 IsFpGradedRightModulesObject
‣ IsFpGradedRightModulesObject( object )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of objects in the presentation category over the category of projective graded right modules.

18.3 The GAP categories for graded module presentation morphisms for CAP

18.3-1 IsFpGradedLeftOrRightModulesMorphism
‣ IsFpGradedLeftOrRightModulesMorphism( object )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of left or right module presentation morphisms

18.3-2 IsFpGradedLeftModulesMorphism
‣ IsFpGradedLeftModulesMorphism( object )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of morphisms in the presentation category over the category of projective graded left modules.

18.3-3 IsFpGradedRightModulesMorphism
‣ IsFpGradedRightModulesMorphism( object )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of morphisms in the presentation category over the category of projective graded right modules.

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