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11 Freyd category
 11.1 Random methods in Freyd categories
 11.2 Internal Hom-Embedding
 11.3 Convenient methods for tensor products of freyd objects and morphisms

11 Freyd category

11.1 Random methods in Freyd categories

11.1-1 RandomObjectByList
‣ RandomObjectByList( cat, L )( operation )

Returns: an object in a Freyd category

The arguments are a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and a list L. The output is an object in cat whose relation morphism is a random morphism in underlying_cat constructed via RandomMorphismByList(underlying_cat, L).

11.1-2 RandomObjectByInteger
‣ RandomObjectByInteger( cat, n )( operation )

Returns: an object in a Freyd category

The arguments are a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and an integer n. The output is an object in cat whose relation morphism is a random morphism in underlying_cat constructed via RandomMorphismByInteger(underlying_cat, n).

11.1-3 RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceAndRangeByList
‣ RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceAndRangeByList( S, R, L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are two objects S and R in a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and a list L. The category cat is required to have a homomorphism structure (1,H,\nu) over underlying_cat or cat. The output is a morphism in cat constructed as follows:

11.1-4 RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceAndRangeByInteger
‣ RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceAndRangeByInteger( S, R, n )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are two objects S and R in a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and an integer n. The category cat is required to have a homomorphism structure (1,H,\nu) over underlying_cat or cat. The output is a morphism in cat constructed as follows:

11.1-5 RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceByList
‣ RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceByList( S, L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are an object S in a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and a list L. We denote the relation morphism of S by \rho_S:S_1 \to S_2 in underlying_cat. The output is a morphism in cat constructed as follows:

The output is a morphism S \to R in cat whose morphism datum is \delta \circ \mu_1 and whose range's relation morphism is \delta \circ \mu_2.

11.1-6 RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceByInteger
‣ RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceByInteger( S, n )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are an object S in a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and an integer n. We denote the relation morphism of S by \rho_S:S_1 \to S_2 in underlying_cat. The output is a morphism in cat constructed as follows:

The output is a morphism S \to R in cat whose morphism datum is \delta \circ \mu_1 and whose range's relation morphism is \delta \circ \mu_2.

11.1-7 RandomMorphismWithFixedRangeByList
‣ RandomMorphismWithFixedRangeByList( R, L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are an object R in a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and a list L. We denote the relation morphism of R by \rho_R:R_1 \to R_2 in underlying_cat. The output is a morphism in cat constructed as follows:

The output is a morphism S \to R in cat whose morphism datum is \rho and whose source's relation morphism is \rho_S \circ \delta.

11.1-8 RandomMorphismWithFixedRangeByInteger
‣ RandomMorphismWithFixedRangeByInteger( R, n )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are an object R in a Freyd category cat of a category underlying_cat and an integer n. We denote the relation morphism of R by \rho_R:R_1 \to R_2 in underlying_cat. The output is a morphism in cat constructed as follows:

The output is a morphism S \to R in cat whose morphism datum is \rho and whose source's relation morphism is \rho_S \circ \delta.

11.1-9 RandomMorphismByList
‣ RandomMorphismByList( cat, L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are a Freyd category cat and a list L consisting of three lists. The output is constructed via RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceAndRangeByList(S,R,L[3]) where S is constructed via RandomObjectByList(cat,L[1]) and R via RandomObjectByList(cat,L[2]).

11.1-10 RandomMorphismByInteger
‣ RandomMorphismByInteger( cat, n )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a Freyd category

The arguments are a Freyd category cat and an integer n. The output is constructed via RandomMorphismWithFixedSourceAndRangeByInteger(S,R,n) where S and R are random objects constructed via RandomObjectByInteger(cat,n).

11.2 Internal Hom-Embedding

‣ INTERNAL_HOM_EMBEDDING( cat, a, b )( operation )

Returns: a (mono)morphism

The arguments are two objects a and b of a Freyd category cat. Assume that the relation morphism for a is \alpha \colon R_A \to A, then we have the exact sequence 0 \to \mathrm{\underline{Hom}} \left( a,b \right) \to \mathrm{\underline{Hom}}(A, b) \to \mathrm{\underline{Hom}}(R_A, b). The embedding of \mathrm{\underline{Hom}}( a, b ) into \mathrm{\underline{Hom}}(A, b) is the internal Hom-embedding. This method returns this very map.

11.3 Convenient methods for tensor products of freyd objects and morphisms

11.3-1 \*
‣ \*( arg1, arg2 )( operation )

11.3-2 \^
‣ \^( arg1, arg2 )( operation )

11.3-3 \*
‣ \*( arg1, arg2 )( operation )

11.3-4 \^
‣ \^( arg1, arg2 )( operation )
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