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17 Example on tensor products in Freyd categories
 17.1 Tensor products for categories of rows
 17.2 Tensor products for categories of columns

17 Example on tensor products in Freyd categories

17.1 Tensor products for categories of rows

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular() * "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j";;
gap> C := CategoryOfRows( R );;
gap> T := TensorUnit( C );;
gap> IsWellDefined( T );

We test the naturality of the braiding.

gap> R2 := DirectSum( T, T );;
gap> R3 := DirectSum( T, R2 );;
gap> R4 := DirectSum( R2, R2 );;
gap> alpha := CategoryOfRowsMorphism( T, HomalgMatrix( "[ a, b, c, d ]", 1, 4, R ), R4 );;
gap> beta := CategoryOfRowsMorphism( R2, HomalgMatrix( "[ e, f, g, h, i, j ]", 2, 3, R ), R3 );;
gap> IsCongruentForMorphisms(
>     PreCompose( Braiding( T, R2 ), TensorProductOnMorphisms( beta, alpha ) ),
>     PreCompose( TensorProductOnMorphisms( alpha, beta ), Braiding( R4, R3 ) )
> );

We compute the torsion part of a f.p. module with the help of the induced tensor structure on the Freyd category.

gap> M := FreydCategoryObject( alpha );;
gap> mu := MorphismToBidual( M );;
gap> co := CoastrictionToImage( mu );;
gap> IsIsomorphism( co );

17.2 Tensor products for categories of columns

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular() * "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j";;
gap> C := CategoryOfColumns( R );;
gap> T := TensorUnit( C );;
gap> IsWellDefined( T );

We test the naturality of the braiding.

gap> R2 := DirectSum( T, T );;
gap> R3 := DirectSum( T, R2 );;
gap> R4 := DirectSum( R2, R2 );;
gap> alpha := CategoryOfColumnsMorphism( T, HomalgMatrix( "[ a, b, c, d ]", 4, 1, R ), R4 );;
gap> beta := CategoryOfColumnsMorphism( R2, HomalgMatrix( "[ e, f, g, h, i, j ]", 3, 2, R ), R3 );;
gap> IsCongruentForMorphisms(
>     PreCompose( Braiding( T, R2 ), TensorProductOnMorphisms( beta, alpha ) ),
>     PreCompose( TensorProductOnMorphisms( alpha, beta ), Braiding( R4, R3 ) )
> );

We compute the torsion part of a f.p. module with the help of the induced tensor structure on the Freyd category.

gap> M := FreydCategoryObject( alpha );;
gap> mu := MorphismToBidual( M );;
gap> co := CoastrictionToImage( mu );;
gap> IsIsomorphism( co );
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