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2 Finitely presented categories generated by enhanced quivers
 2.1 Properties
 2.2 Attributes
 2.3 Operations
 2.4 Constructors
 2.5 Global functions
 2.6 GAP categories

2 Finitely presented categories generated by enhanced quivers

2.1 Properties

2.1-1 IsCommutative
‣ IsCommutative( C )( property )

Returns: true or false

Check whether the finitely presented category C is commutative.

2.1-2 IsCounitary
‣ IsCounitary( B )( property )

Returns: true or false

Check whether B is counitary.

2.1-3 IsCoassociative
‣ IsCoassociative( B )( property )

Returns: true or false

Check whether B is coassociative.

2.2 Attributes

2.2-1 UnderlyingQuiver
‣ UnderlyingQuiver( C )( attribute )

Returns: a QPA quiver

The quiver underlying the finitely presented category C.

2.2-2 UnderlyingQuiverAlgebra
‣ UnderlyingQuiverAlgebra( C )( attribute )

Returns: a QPA path algebra

The quiver algebra (=path algebra with relations) underlying the finitely presented category C.

2.2-3 Size
‣ Size( C )( attribute )

Returns: a nonnegative integer

The number of morphisms in the finitely presented category C.

2.2-4 BasisPathsByVertexIndex
‣ BasisPathsByVertexIndex( C )( attribute )

Returns: a matrix of basis paths of a QPA path algebra

The matrix of basis paths of the canonical basis of the quiver algebra (=path algebra with relations) underlying the f.p. category C, indexed by the vertex indices of source and target of the path.

2.2-5 BasisMorphismsByVertexIndex
‣ BasisMorphismsByVertexIndex( A )( attribute )

Returns: a matrix of basis morphisms

The matrix of basis morphisms of the canonical basis of the quiver algebra (=path algebra with relations) underlying the f.p. category C, indexed by the vertex indices of source and target of the morphism.

2.2-6 HomStructureOnBasisPaths
‣ HomStructureOnBasisPaths( C )( attribute )

Returns: a six-dimensional matrix of matrices

The hom structure on basis paths of the canonical basis of the quiver algebra (=path algebra with relations) underlying the f.p. category C: HomStructureOnBasisPaths( A )[ v_index ][ w_index ][ v'_index ][ w'_index ][ basis_path_1_index ][ basis_path_2_index ] = [ Hom(v,w) -> Hom(v',w'): x -> basis_path_1 * x * basis_path_2 ] for basis_path_1: v' -> v and basis_path_2: w -> w'.

2.2-7 AssignSetOfObjects
‣ AssignSetOfObjects( C, label )( operation )

Returns: nothing

Assigns the objects of the finitely presented category C to global variables. Names of the variables are the concatenation of label with the names of the defining vertices.

2.2-8 SetOfGeneratingMorphisms
‣ SetOfGeneratingMorphisms( C, obj_1, obj_2 )( operation )

Returns: a list

The subset of the generating morphisms that start at obj_1 and ends at obj_2.

2.2-9 SetOfGeneratingMorphisms
‣ SetOfGeneratingMorphisms( obj_1, obj_2 )( operation )

Returns: a list

The subset of the generating morphisms that start at obj_1 and ends at obj_2.

2.2-10 SetOfGeneratingMorphisms
‣ SetOfGeneratingMorphisms( C, i, j )( operation )

Returns: a list

Delegates to SetOfGeneratingMorphisms( C, SetOfObjects(C)[i], SetOfObjects(C)[j] ).

2.2-11 AssignSetOfGeneratingMorphisms
‣ AssignSetOfGeneratingMorphisms( C, label )( operation )

Returns: nothing

Assigns the generating morphisms of the finitely presented category C to global variables. Names of the variables are the concatenation of label with the names of the defining arrows.

2.2-12 RelationsOfFpCategory
‣ RelationsOfFpCategory( C )( attribute )

Returns: a QPA path algebra

The relations of the finitely presented category C corresponding to RelationsOfAlgebra( UnderlyingQuiverAlgebra( C ) ).

2.2-13 OppositeFpCategory
‣ OppositeFpCategory( C )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

The finitely presented category defined by the opposite of the underlying quiver with relations.

2.2-14 Antipode
‣ Antipode( B )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP functor

The antipode of the Hopf finitely presented category B.

2.2-15 UnderlyingVertex
‣ UnderlyingVertex( obj )( attribute )

Returns: a vertex in a QPA quiver

The vertex of the quiver underlying the object obj in a finitely presented category.

2.2-16 UnderlyingQuiverAlgebraElement
‣ UnderlyingQuiverAlgebraElement( mor )( attribute )

Returns: an element in a QPA path algebra

The quiver algebra element underlying the morphism mor in a finitely presented category.

2.2-17 UnderlyingAlgebra
‣ UnderlyingAlgebra( C )( attribute )

Returns: a ring

The underlying algebra of the finitely presented category C.

2.2-18 Parity
‣ Parity( C )( attribute )

Returns: a string ("left" or "right")

The parity of the finitely presented category C.

2.2-19 POW
‣ POW( C, n )( operation )

Returns: a CAP category

The n-th power of the finitely presented category C. Admissible values for n are 0,1,2.

2.2-20 NerveTruncatedInDegree2AsFunctor
‣ NerveTruncatedInDegree2AsFunctor( C )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP functor

The input is a finitely presented category C equipped with a homomorphism structure with values in the skeletal category SkeletalFinSets of finite sets. The output is the nerve of B truncated in degree 2, as a presheaf on SimplicialCategoryTruncatedInDegree(2) with values in SkeletalFinSets.

We compute the nerve of the full subcategory of the simplicial category \Delta on the objects [0], [1], [2].

gap> Delta2 := SimplicialCategoryTruncatedInDegree( 2 );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations
gap> RelationsOfFpCategory( Delta2 );
[ [ (s*id), (C0) ], [ (t*id), (C0) ],
  [ (ps*is), (C1) ], [ (pt*it), (C1) ],
  [ (is*id), (it*id) ], [ (pt*is), (id*t) ],
  [ (ps*it), (id*s) ], [ (s*pt), (t*ps) ],
  [ (s*mu), (s*ps) ], [ (t*mu), (t*pt) ],
  [ (mu*is), (C1) ], [ (mu*it), (C1) ] ]
gap> Size( Delta2 );
gap> N := NerveTruncatedInDegree2AsFunctor( Delta2 );
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                      ps:C2->C1,pt:C2->C1,mu:C2->C1]" ) ) / relations
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> Delta2op := SourceOfFunctor( N );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                      ps:C2->C1,pt:C2->C1,mu:C2->C1]" ) ) / relations
gap> N( Delta2op.C0 );
gap> Display( N( Delta2op.C0 ) );
{ 0, 1, 2 }
gap> N( Delta2op.C1 );
gap> Display( N( Delta2op.C1 ) );
{ 0,..., 30 }
gap> N( Delta2op.C2 );
gap> Display( N( Delta2op.C2 ) );
{ 0,..., 392 }
gap> N( );
|3| → |31|
gap> Display( N( ) );
{ 0, 1, 2 } ⱶ[ 0, 5, 21 ]→ { 0,..., 30 }

2.2-21 YonedaFibrationAsNaturalTransformation
‣ YonedaFibrationAsNaturalTransformation( B )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP natural transformation

The input is a finitely presented category B. The output is a natural morphism. Its source is the functor B \to H, c \mapsto \sqcup_{a\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,c), \psi \mapsto \sqcup_{a\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,\psi). Its targe is the constant functor of 0-cells B \to H, c \mapsto B_0, \psi \mapsto \mathrm{id}_{B_0}.

2.2-22 YonedaProjectionAsNaturalEpimorphism
‣ YonedaProjectionAsNaturalEpimorphism( B )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP natural transformation

The input is a finitely presented category B. The output is a natural epimorphism. Its source is the functor B \to H, c \mapsto \sqcup_{a,b\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,b) \times \mathrm{Hom}(b,c), \psi \mapsto \sqcup_{a,b\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(1_a,1_b) \times \mathrm{Hom}(b,\psi). Its target is the functor B \to H, c \mapsto \sqcup_{a\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,c), \psi \mapsto \sqcup_{a\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,\psi).

2.2-23 YonedaCompositionAsNaturalEpimorphism
‣ YonedaCompositionAsNaturalEpimorphism( B )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP natural transformation

The input is a finitely presented category B. The output is a natural epimorphism. Its source is the functor B \to H, c \mapsto \sqcup_{a,b\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,b) \times \mathrm{Hom}(b,c), \psi \mapsto \sqcup_{a,b\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(1_a,1_b) \times \mathrm{Hom}(b,\psi). Its target is the functor B \to H, c \mapsto \sqcup_{a\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,c), \psi \mapsto \sqcup_{a\in B} \mathrm{Hom}(a,\psi).

We compute the Yoneda composition natural epimorphism of the full subcategory of the simplicial category \Delta on the objects [0], [1], [2].

gap> Delta2 := SimplicialCategoryTruncatedInDegree( 2 );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations
gap> RelationsOfFpCategory( Delta2 );
[ [ (s*id), (C0) ], [ (t*id), (C0) ],
  [ (ps*is), (C1) ], [ (pt*it), (C1) ],
  [ (is*id), (it*id) ], [ (pt*is), (id*t) ],
  [ (ps*it), (id*s) ], [ (s*pt), (t*ps) ],
  [ (s*mu), (s*ps) ], [ (t*mu), (t*pt) ],
  [ (mu*is), (C1) ], [ (mu*it), (C1) ] ]
gap> Size( Delta2 );
gap> Ymu := YonedaCompositionAsNaturalEpimorphism( Delta2 );
Natural transformation from
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations ->
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations ->
gap> Ymu := YonedaProjectionAsNaturalEpimorphism( Delta2 );
Natural transformation from
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations ->
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations ->
gap> Ys := YonedaFibrationAsNaturalTransformation( Delta2 );
Natural transformation from
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations ->
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver(
                   ps:C1->C2,pt:C1->C2,mu:C1->C2]" ) ) / relations ->

2.2-24 TruthMorphismOfTrueToSieveFunctor
‣ TruthMorphismOfTrueToSieveFunctor( B )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP functor

Return the truth morphism of true from terminal functor to the functor of sieves from OppositeFpCategory( B ) to RangeCategoryOfHomomorphismStructure( B ).

gap> q := RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" );
gap> Fq := FreeCategory( q );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) )
gap> M0 := Fq / [ [ Fq.a^3, Fq.1 ] ];
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = 1 ]
gap> S0 := SieveFunctor( M0 );
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = 1 ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> M0op := AsCapCategory( Source( S0 ) );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = 1 ]
gap> S0( M0op.1 );
gap> Display( S0( M0op.1 ) );
{ 0, 1 }
gap> S0( M0op.a );
|2| → |2|
gap> Display( S0( M0op.a ) );
{ 0, 1 } ⱶ[ 0, 1 ]→ { 0, 1 }
gap> M1 := Fq / [ [ Fq.a^3, Fq.a ] ];
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a ]
gap> S1 := SieveFunctor( M1 );
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> M1op := AsCapCategory( Source( S1 ) );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a ]
gap> S1( M1op.1 );
gap> Display( S1( M1op.1 ) );
{ 0, 1, 2 }
gap> S1( M1op.a );
|3| → |3|
gap> Display( S1( M1op.a ) );
{ 0, 1, 2 } ⱶ[ 0, 2, 2 ]→ { 0, 1, 2 }
gap> M2 := Fq / [ [ Fq.a^3, Fq.a^2 ] ];
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
gap> S2 := SieveFunctor( M2 );
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> M2op := AsCapCategory( Source( S2 ) );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
gap> S2( M2op.1 );
gap> Display( S2( M2op.1 ) );
{ 0 ,..., 3 }
gap> S2( M2op.a );
|4| → |4|
gap> Display( S2( M2op.a ) );
{ 0,..., 3 } ⱶ[ 0, 2, 3, 3 ]→ { 0,..., 3 }
gap> eta2 := TruthMorphismOfTrueToSieveFunctor( M2 );
Natural transformation from
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> eta2( M2op.1 );
|1| → |4|
gap> Display( eta2( M2op.1 ) );
{ 0 } ⱶ[ 3 ]→ { 0,..., 3 }
gap> iota2 := EmbeddingOfSieveFunctor( M2 );
Natural transformation from
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> iota2( M2op.1 );
|4| → |8|
gap> Display( iota2( M2op.1 ) );
{ 0,..., 3 } ⱶ[ 0, 4, 6, 7 ]→ { 0,..., 7 }

2.2-25 SieveFunctor
‣ SieveFunctor( B )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP functor

Return the functor of sieves from OppositeFpCategory( B ) to RangeCategoryOfHomomorphismStructure( B ).

gap> q := RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" );
gap> Fq := FreeCategory( q );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) )
gap> M0 := Fq / [ [ Fq.a^3, Fq.1 ] ];
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = 1 ]
gap> S0 := SieveFunctor( M0 );
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = 1 ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> M0op := AsCapCategory( Source( S0 ) );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = 1 ]
gap> S0( M0op.1 );
gap> Display( S0( M0op.1 ) );
{ 0, 1 }
gap> S0( M0op.a );
|2| → |2|
gap> Display( S0( M0op.a ) );
{ 0, 1 } ⱶ[ 0, 1 ]→ { 0, 1 }
gap> M1 := Fq / [ [ Fq.a^3, Fq.a ] ];
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a ]
gap> S1 := SieveFunctor( M1 );
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> M1op := AsCapCategory( Source( S1 ) );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a ]
gap> S1( M1op.1 );
gap> Display( S1( M1op.1 ) );
{ 0, 1, 2 }
gap> S1( M1op.a );
|3| → |3|
gap> Display( S1( M1op.a ) );
{ 0, 1, 2 } ⱶ[ 0, 2, 2 ]→ { 0, 1, 2 }
gap> M2 := Fq / [ [ Fq.a^3, Fq.a^2 ] ];
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
gap> S2 := SieveFunctor( M2 );
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> M2op := AsCapCategory( Source( S2 ) );
FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
gap> S2( M2op.1 );
gap> Display( S2( M2op.1 ) );
{ 0 ,..., 3 }
gap> S2( M2op.a );
|4| → |4|
gap> Display( S2( M2op.a ) );
{ 0,..., 3 } ⱶ[ 0, 2, 3, 3 ]→ { 0,..., 3 }
gap> eta2 := TruthMorphismOfTrueToSieveFunctor( M2 );
Natural transformation from
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> eta2( M2op.1 );
|1| → |4|
gap> Display( eta2( M2op.1 ) );
{ 0 } ⱶ[ 3 ]→ { 0,..., 3 }
gap> iota2 := EmbeddingOfSieveFunctor( M2 );
Natural transformation from
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
Functor from FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q_op(1)[a:1->1]" ) ) / [ a*a*a = a*a ]
-> SkeletalFinSets
gap> iota2( M2op.1 );
|4| → |8|
gap> Display( iota2( M2op.1 ) );
{ 0,..., 3 } ⱶ[ 0, 4, 6, 7 ]→ { 0,..., 7 }

2.3 Operations

2.3-1 TrivialCategory
‣ TrivialCategory( str )( operation )

2.3-2 \*
‣ \*( C, D )( operation )

2.3-3 ElementaryTensor
‣ ElementaryTensor( a, b, T )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a CAP category

Given an object a in a finitely presented category A and an object b in a finitely presented category B and the tensor product T of A and B, return the tensor product of a and b in T.

2.3-4 ElementaryTensor
‣ ElementaryTensor( a, g, T )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a CAP category

Given an object a in a finitely presented category A and a morphism g in a finitely presented category B and the tensor product T of A and B, return the tensor product of a and g in T.

2.3-5 ElementaryTensor
‣ ElementaryTensor( f, b, T )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a CAP category

Given a morphism f in a finitely presented category A and an object b in a finitely presented category B and the tensor product T of A and B, return the tensor product of f and b in T.

2.3-6 QuiverVertexAsIdentityPath
‣ QuiverVertexAsIdentityPath( vertex )( operation )

Returns: a path

Simply returns vertex, but with the semantics of being an identity path.

2.4 Constructors

2.4-1 FreeCategory
‣ FreeCategory( q )( operation )
‣ Category( q, L )( operation )
‣ QuotientCategory( C, L )( operation )
‣ /( C, L )( operation )

Returns: a CAP category

Construct the finitely presented category generated by the quiver q, possibly modulo the relations L.

2.4-2 ObjectInFpCategory
‣ ObjectInFpCategory( A, V )( operation )

Returns: an object in a CAP category

The constructor of objects in a finitely presented category C given a vertex V in the underlying quiver.

2.4-3 MorphismInFpCategory
‣ MorphismInFpCategory( S, path, T )( operation )
‣ MorphismInFpCategory( A, path )( operation )

Returns: an object in a CAP category a morphism in a CAP category

Delegates to ObjectInFpCategory( C, V ). The constructor of morphisms in a finitely presented category C given the source S, the target T, and the underlying path path. If neither S nor T are provided they are read off from path.

2.4-4 \/
‣ \/( path, A )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a CAP category

Delegates to MorphismInFpCategory( path ).

2.5 Global functions

2.5-1 SimplicialCategoryTruncatedInDegree
‣ SimplicialCategoryTruncatedInDegree( n )( function )

Returns: a CAP category

The full subcategory of the simplicial category \Delta on the objects [0], \ldots, [n].

2.6 GAP categories

2.6-1 IsFpCategory
‣ IsFpCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of finitely presented categories.

2.6-2 IsMonoidAsCategory
‣ IsMonoidAsCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of algebras.

2.6-3 IsCellInFpCategory
‣ IsCellInFpCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of cells in a finitely presented category.

2.6-4 IsObjectInFpCategory
‣ IsObjectInFpCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of objects in a finitely presented category.

2.6-5 IsMorphismInFpCategory
‣ IsMorphismInFpCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of morphisms in a finitely presented category.

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