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3 GradedModules
 3.1 GradedModules: Category and Representations
 3.2 GradedModules: Constructors
 3.3 GradedModules: Properties
 3.4 GradedModules: Attributes
 3.5 LISHV: Logical Implications for GradedModules
 3.6 GradedModules: Operations and Functions

3 GradedModules

3.1 GradedModules: Category and Representations

3.2 GradedModules: Constructors

3.3 GradedModules: Properties

For more properties see the corresponding section Modules: Modules: Properties) in the documentation of the homalg package.

3.4 GradedModules: Attributes

3.4-1 BettiTable
‣ BettiTable( M )( attribute )

Returns: a homalg diagram

The Betti diagram of the homalg graded module M.

3.4-2 CastelnuovoMumfordRegularity
‣ CastelnuovoMumfordRegularity( M )( attribute )

Returns: an integer

The Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the homalg graded module M.

3.4-3 CastelnuovoMumfordRegularityOfSheafification
‣ CastelnuovoMumfordRegularityOfSheafification( M )( attribute )

Returns: an integer

The Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the sheafification of homalg graded module M.

For more attributes see the corresponding section Modules: Modules: Attributes) in the documentation of the homalg package.

3.5 LISHV: Logical Implications for GradedModules

3.6 GradedModules: Operations and Functions

3.6-1 MonomialMap
‣ MonomialMap( d, M )( operation )

Returns: a homalg map

The map from a free graded module onto all degree d monomial generators of the finitely generated homalg module M.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x^3, y^2, z,   z, 0, 0 ]", 2, 3, S );;
gap> M := LeftPresentationWithDegrees( M, [ -1, 0, 1 ] );
<A graded non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators>
gap> m := MonomialMap( 1, M );
<A homomorphism of graded left modules>
gap> Display( m );
0,  x,0,
0,  y,0,
0,  z,0,
0,  0,1 

the graded map is currently represented by the above 10 x 3 matrix

(degrees of generators of target: [ -1, 0, 1 ])

3.6-2 RandomMatrix
‣ RandomMatrix( S, T )( operation )

Returns: a homalg matrix

A random matrix between the graded source module S and the graded target module T.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "a,b,c";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> rand := RandomMatrix( S^1 + S^2, S^2 + S^3 + S^4 );
<A 2 x 3 matrix over a graded ring>
gap> #Display( rand );
gap> #-3*a-b,                                                  -1,                   
gap> #-a^2+a*b+2*b^2-2*a*c+2*b*c+c^2,                          -a+c,                 
gap> #-2*a^3+5*a^2*b-3*b^3+3*a*b*c+3*b^2*c+2*a*c^2+2*b*c^2+c^3,-3*b^2-2*a*c-2*b*c+c^2

3.6-3 GeneratorsOfHomogeneousPart
‣ GeneratorsOfHomogeneousPart( d, M )( operation )

Returns: a homalg matrix

The resulting homalg matrix consists of a generating set (over R) of the d-th homogeneous part of the finitely generated homalg S-module M, where R is the coefficients ring of the graded ring S with S_0=R.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x^3, y^2, z,   z, 0, 0 ]", 2, 3, S );;
gap> M := LeftPresentationWithDegrees( M, [ -1, 0, 1 ] );
<A graded non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators>
gap> m := GeneratorsOfHomogeneousPart( 1, M );
<An unevaluated non-zero 7 x 3 matrix over a graded ring>
gap> Display( m );
0,  x,0,
0,  y,0,
0,  z,0,
0,  0,1 
(over a graded ring)

Compare with MonomialMap (3.6-1).

3.6-4 SubmoduleGeneratedByHomogeneousPart
‣ SubmoduleGeneratedByHomogeneousPart( d, M )( operation )

Returns: a homalg module

The submodule of the homalg module M generated by the image of the d-th monomial map (--> MonomialMap (3.6-1)), or equivalently, by the generating set of the d-th homogeneous part of M.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x^3, y^2, z,   z, 0, 0 ]", 2, 3, S );;
gap> M := LeftPresentationWithDegrees( M, [ -1, 0, 1 ] );
<A graded non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators>
gap> n := SubmoduleGeneratedByHomogeneousPart( 1, M );
<A graded left submodule given by 7 generators>
gap> Display( M );
z,  0,    0,  
0,  y^2*z,z^2,
x^3,y^2,  z   

Cokernel of the map

Q[x,y,z]^(1x3) --> Q[x,y,z]^(1x3),

currently represented by the above matrix
(graded, degrees of generators: [ -1, 0, 1 ])
gap> Display( n );
0,  x,0,
0,  y,0,
0,  z,0,
0,  0,1 

A left submodule generated by the 7 rows of the above matrix

(graded, degrees of generators: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ])
gap> N := UnderlyingObject( n );
<A graded left module presented by yet unknown relations for 7 generators>
gap> Display( N );
0, 0, z,0, 0,  0,0,
0, z, 0,0, 0,  0,0,
z, 0, 0,0, 0,  0,0,
0, 0, 0,0, -z, y,0,
0, 0, 0,-z,0,  x,0,
0, 0, 0,-y,x,  0,0,
0, -y,x,0, 0,  0,0,
-y,x, 0,0, 0,  0,0,
x, 0, 0,0, y,  0,z,
0, 0, 0,0, y*z,0,z^2

Cokernel of the map

Q[x,y,z]^(1x10) --> Q[x,y,z]^(1x7),

currently represented by the above matrix

(graded, degrees of generators: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ])
gap> gens := GeneratorsOfModule( N );
<A set of 7 generators of a homalg left module>
gap> Display( gens );
0,  x,0,
0,  y,0,
0,  z,0,
0,  0,1 

a set of 7 generators given by the rows of the above matrix

3.6-5 RepresentationMapOfRingElement
‣ RepresentationMapOfRingElement( r, M, d )( operation )

Returns: a homalg matrix

The graded map induced by the homogeneous degree 1 ring element r (of the underlying homalg graded ring S) regarded as a R-linear map between the d-th and the (d+1)-st homogeneous part of the graded finitely generated homalg S-module M, where R is the coefficients ring of the graded ring S with S_0=R. The generating set of both modules is given by GeneratorsOfHomogeneousPart (3.6-3). The entries of the matrix presenting the map lie in the coefficients ring R.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> x := Indeterminate( S, 1 );
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x^3, y^2, z,   z, 0, 0 ]", 2, 3, S );;
gap> M := LeftPresentationWithDegrees( M, [ -1, 0, 1 ] );
<A graded non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators>
gap> m := RepresentationMapOfRingElement( x, M, 0 );
<A "homomorphism" of graded left modules>
gap> Display( m );

the graded map is currently represented by the above 3 x 7 matrix

(degrees of generators of target: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ])

3.6-6 RepresentationMatrixOfKoszulId
‣ RepresentationMatrixOfKoszulId( d, M )( operation )

Returns: a homalg matrix

It is assumed that all indeterminates of the underlying homalg graded ring S are of degree 1. The output is the homalg matrix of the multiplication map Hom( A, M_d ) -> Hom( A, M_d+1 ), where A is the Koszul dual ring of S, defined using the operation KoszulDualRing.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> A := KoszulDualRing( S, "a,b,c" );;
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x^3, y^2, z,   z, 0, 0 ]", 2, 3, S );;
gap> M := LeftPresentationWithDegrees( M, [ -1, 0, 1 ] );
<A graded non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators>
gap> m := RepresentationMatrixOfKoszulId( 0, M );
<An unevaluated 3 x 7 matrix over a graded ring>
gap> Display( m );
(over a graded ring)

3.6-7 RepresentationMapOfKoszulId
‣ RepresentationMapOfKoszulId( d, M )( operation )

Returns: a homalg map

It is assumed that all indeterminates of the underlying homalg graded ring S are of degree 1. The output is the the multiplication map Hom( A, M_d ) -> Hom( A, M_d+1 ), where A is the Koszul dual ring of S, defined using the operation KoszulDualRing.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> A := KoszulDualRing( S, "a,b,c" );;
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x^3, y^2, z,   z, 0, 0 ]", 2, 3, S );;
gap> M := LeftPresentationWithDegrees( M, [ -1, 0, 1 ] );
<A graded non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators>
gap> m := RepresentationMapOfKoszulId( 0, M );
<A homomorphism of graded left modules>
gap> Display( m );

the graded map is currently represented by the above 3 x 7 matrix

(degrees of generators of target: [ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ])

3.6-8 KoszulRightAdjoint
‣ KoszulRightAdjoint( M, degree_lowest, degree_highest )( operation )

Returns: a homalg cocomplex

It is assumed that all indeterminates of the underlying homalg graded ring S are of degree 1. Compute the homalg A-cocomplex C of Koszul maps of the homalg S-module M (--> RepresentationMapOfKoszulId (3.6-7)) in the [ degree_lowest .. degree_highest ]. The Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of M is characterized as the highest degree d, such that C is not exact at d. A is the Koszul dual ring of S, defined using the operation KoszulDualRing.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> A := KoszulDualRing( S, "a,b,c" );;
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x^3, y^2, z,   z, 0, 0 ]", 2, 3, S );;
gap> M := LeftPresentationWithDegrees( M, [ -1, 0, 1 ], S );
<A graded non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators>
gap> CastelnuovoMumfordRegularity( M );
gap> R := KoszulRightAdjoint( M, -5, 5 );
<A cocomplex containing 10 morphisms of graded left modules at degrees
[ -5 .. 5 ]>
gap> R := KoszulRightAdjoint( M, 1, 5 );
<An acyclic cocomplex containing
4 morphisms of graded left modules at degrees [ 1 .. 5 ]>
gap> R := KoszulRightAdjoint( M, 0, 5 );
<A cocomplex containing 5 morphisms of graded left modules at degrees
[ 0 .. 5 ]>
gap> R := KoszulRightAdjoint( M, -5, 5 );
<A cocomplex containing 10 morphisms of graded left modules at degrees
[ -5 .. 5 ]>
gap> H := Cohomology( R );
<A graded cohomology object consisting of 11 graded left modules at degrees 
[ -5 .. 5 ]>
gap> ByASmallerPresentation( H );
<A non-zero graded cohomology object consisting of
11 graded left modules at degrees [ -5 .. 5 ]>
gap> Cohomology( R, -2 );
<A graded zero left module>
gap> Cohomology( R, -3 );
<A graded zero left module>
gap> Cohomology( R, -1 );
<A graded cyclic torsion-free non-free left module presented by 2 relations fo\
r a cyclic generator>
gap> Cohomology( R, 0 );
<A graded non-zero cyclic left module presented by 3 relations for a cyclic ge\
gap> Cohomology( R, 1 );
<A graded non-zero cyclic left module presented by 2 relations for a cyclic ge\
gap> Cohomology( R, 2 );
<A graded zero left module>
gap> Cohomology( R, 3 );
<A graded zero left module>
gap> Cohomology( R, 4 );
<A graded zero left module>
gap> Display( Cohomology( R, -1 ) );
Q{a,b,c}/< b, a >

(graded, degree of generator: 0)
gap> Display( Cohomology( R, 0 ) );
Q{a,b,c}/< c, b, a >

(graded, degree of generator: 0)
gap> Display( Cohomology( R, 1 ) );
Q{a,b,c}/< b, a >

(graded, degree of generator: 2)

3.6-9 HomogeneousPartOverCoefficientsRing
‣ HomogeneousPartOverCoefficientsRing( d, M )( operation )

Returns: a homalg module

The degree d homogeneous part of the graded R-module M as a module over the coefficient ring or field of R.

gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";;
gap> S := GradedRing( R );;
gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ x, y^2, z^3 ]", 3, 1, S );;
gap> M := Subobject( M, ( 1 * S )^0 );
<A graded torsion-free (left) ideal given by 3 generators>
gap> CastelnuovoMumfordRegularity( M );
gap> M1 := HomogeneousPartOverCoefficientsRing( 1, M );
<A graded left vector space of dimension 1 on a free generator>
gap> gen1 := GeneratorsOfModule( M1 );
<A set consisting of a single generator of a homalg left module>
gap> Display( M1 );
Q^(1 x 1)

(graded, degree of generator: 1)
gap> M2 := HomogeneousPartOverCoefficientsRing( 2, M );
<A graded left vector space of dimension 4 on free generators>
gap> Display( M2 );
Q^(1 x 4)

(graded, degrees of generators: [ 2, 2, 2, 2 ])
gap> gen2 := GeneratorsOfModule( M2 );
<A set of 4 generators of a homalg left module>
gap> M3 := HomogeneousPartOverCoefficientsRing( 3, M );
<A graded left vector space of dimension 9 on free generators>
gap> Display( M3 );
Q^(1 x 9)

(graded, degrees of generators: [ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ])
gap> gen3 := GeneratorsOfModule( M3 );
<A set of 9 generators of a homalg left module>
gap> Display( gen1 );

a set consisting of a single generator given by (the row of) the above matrix
gap> Display( gen2 );

a set of 4 generators given by the rows of the above matrix
gap> Display( gen3 );

a set of 9 generators given by the rows of the above matrix
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