Category constructors

Categories from scratch

Category constructors with nothing, a combinatorial, or an algebraic data structure as input:

category constructor input doctrine package
TerminalCategory nothing almost all CAP
CatCat nothing 2-category CAP
FinSets nothing elementary topos FinSetsForCAP
SkeletalFinSets nothing elementary topos FinSetsForCAP
SkeletalFinGSets a (discrete) group elementary topos FinGSetsForCAP
ProSetAsCategory a proset thin FreydCategoriesForCAP
GroupAsCategory a (discrete) group groupoid FreydCategoriesForCAP
RingAsCategory a unital ring pre-additive FreydCategoriesForCAP
QuiverRows a quiver and a commutative ring k k-linear FreydCategoriesForCAP
Algebroid a quiver and a commutative ring k k-linear Algebroids
RepresentationCategory a group and a field k-linear Abelian GroupRepresentationsForCAP
MatrixCategory a (skew)field k k-linear Abelian LinearAlgebraForCAP
CategoryOfRows a unital ring additive FreydCategoriesForCAP
CategoryOfColumns a unital ring additive FreydCategoriesForCAP
LeftPresentations a computable ring Abelian ModulePresentationsForCAP
RightPresentations a computable ring Abelian ModulePresentationsForCAP
GradedLeftPresentations computable (multi) graded ring Abelian GradedModulePresentationsForCAP
GradedRightPresentations computable (multi) graded ring Abelian GradedModulePresentationsForCAP
CategoryOfHomalgFinitelyPresentedLeftModules a computable ring Abelian InternalModules
CategoryOfHomalgFinitelyPresentedRightModules a computable ring Abelian InternalModules

Categories from categories

Category constructors which take one or several categories as input:

category constructor input package
OppositeCategory a category CAP
ProductCategory several categories CAP
LinearClosure a commutative ring and a category FreydCategoriesForCAP
TwistedLinearClosure a commutative ring and a category FreydCategoriesForCAP
AdditiveClosure a pre-additive category FreydCategoriesForCAP
FreydCategory an additive category FreydCategoriesForCAP
CokernelImageClosure an additive category FreydCategoriesForCAP
CategoryOfAscendingFilteredObjects an Abelian category ComplexesAndFilteredObjectsForCAP
CategoryOfDescendingFilteredObjects an Abelian category ComplexesAndFilteredObjectsForCAP
RelCategory a category FreydCategoriesForCAP
GeneralizedMorphismCategoryByThreeArrows an Abelian category GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP
GeneralizedMorphismCategoryByCospans an Abelian category GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP
GeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpans an Abelian category GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP
SerreQuotientsByCospans an Abelian category and a thick subcategory GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP
SerreQuotientsBySpans an Abelian category and a thick subcategory GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP
SerreQuotientsByThreeArrows an Abelian category and a thick subcategory GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP
AdelmanCategory an additive category FreydCategoriesForCAP
FunctorCategory = Hom a fin. dim. k-algebroid and k-linear Abelian category FunctorCategories
EnhancementWithAttributes an Abelian category CategoriesWithAmbientObjects
LeftActionsCategory an Abelian category ActionsForCAP
RightActionsCategory an Abelian category ActionsForCAP
LeftCoactionsCategory an Abelian category ActionsForCAP
RightCoactionsCategory an Abelian category ActionsForCAP
FullSubcategory a category SubcategoriesForCAP
Subcategory a category SubcategoriesForCAP
ChainComplexCategory an additive category ComplexesCategories
CochainComplexCategory an additive category ComplexesCategories
AsCategoryOfBicomplexes an additive category1 Bicomplexes
QuotientCategory a category and a two-sided ideal QuotientCategories
HomotopyCategory an additive category HomotopyCategories
DerivedCategory an Abelian category DerivedCategories
CategoryOfExactTriangles a triangulated category TriangulatedCategories
PositivelyZGradedCategory a category GradedCategories
CategoryOfLeftSModules a semi-simple tensor category2 InternalModules
CategoryOfRightSModules a semi-simple tensor category2 InternalModules
SliceCategory an object (of a category) SubcategoriesForCAP
SliceCategoryOverTensorUnit the tensor unit (of a monoidal category) SubcategoriesForCAP
PosetOfCategory a category Locales
ProsetOfCategory a category Locales
MeetSemilatticeOfDifferences a poset Locales
MeetSemilatticeOfMultipleDifferences a poset Locales
BooleanAlgebraOfConstructibleObjectsAsUnionOfDifferences a poset Locales
BooleanAlgebraOfConstructibleObjectsAsUnionOfMultipleDifferences a poset Locales
CategoryWithAmbientObject an Abelian category CategoriesWithAmbientObjects
IntrinsicCategory a category IntrinsicCategories
WrapperCategory a category WrapperCategories
LazyCategory a category LazyCategories

1 of complexes of complexes of an additive category
2 its positively graded closure