
To easily obtain recent versions of all GAP packages hosted on the GitHub organization homalg-project and run them either using julia or gap, we recommend installing the Julia package CapAndHomalg.jl. This package will also help you keep all packages up-to-date.

Step 0: Prerequisites for the installation


Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic” or newer, Debian 10 “Buster” or newer

Open a terminal and execute:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential autoconf curl wget git

To use ArangoDB follow the instructions here.


macOS 10.12 or newer
  1. Install Xcode.
  2. Launch a Terminal and enter the command xcode-select --install, then press enter.
  3. A window will appear asking you: “The xcode-select command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?”. Confirm this by clicking Install.
  4. Wait for this to complete; it needs to download about 130 MB of data.
  5. You can verify that everything worked verifying the directory /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/ exists and that the C compiler clang and the C++ compiler clang++ is in your path of executables.
  6. Install brew.

Open a terminal and execute:

brew install autoconf gmp wget

To use ArangoDB execute:

brew install arangodb


Windows 10
  1. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and choose Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as your Linux distribution of choice.
  2. Now follow the above instructions for Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic” or newer.

Step 1: Install Julia

Linux and Windows

If Step 0 was successful we can assume that both Linux and Windows users have Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic” or newer (or Debian 10 “Buster” or newer) installed.

Open a terminal (in Linux or your Ubuntu installation on Windows) and follow the instructions here.


Download the newest Julia from the Julia download page and install it following the macOS specific instructions.

Step 2: Install CapAndHomalg.jl

Follow the installation instructions for CapAndHomalg.jl.

Step 3: Running the packages

In Julia

Open a terminal and run julia:

   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.5.1 (2020-08-25)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> using CapAndHomalg
CapAndHomalg v1.0.0-dev
Imported OSCAR's components GAP and Singular_jll
Type: ?CapAndHomalg for more information

julia> LoadPackage( "RingsForHomalg" )

julia> Q = HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular()


First download this GAP execution script gap-with-cap-and-homalg-via-julia, move it to a directory within your binary paths after making it exectuable.

Open a terminal and run the script gap-with-cap-and-homalg-via-julia, which by now should be in your binary path:

 ┌───────┐   GAP 4.11.0 of 29-Feb-2020
 │  GAP  │
 └───────┘   Architecture: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0-julia64-kv7-v1.5
 Configuration:  gmp 6.1.2, Julia GC, Julia 1.5.1, readline
 Loading the library and packages ...
 Packages:   AClib 1.3.2, Alnuth 3.1.2, AtlasRep 2.1.0, AutoDoc 2020.08.11,
             AutPGrp 1.10.2, CRISP 1.4.5, Cryst 4.1.23, CrystCat 1.1.9,
             CTblLib 1.2.2, FactInt 1.6.3, FGA 1.4.0, Forms 1.2.5,
             GAPDoc 1.6.3, genss 1.6.6, IO 4.7.0, IRREDSOL 1.4, LAGUNA 3.9.3,
             orb 4.8.3, Polenta 1.3.9, Polycyclic 2.15.1, PrimGrp 3.4.0,
             RadiRoot 2.8, recog 1.3.2, ResClasses 4.7.2, SmallGrp 1.4.1,
             Sophus 1.24, SpinSym 1.5.2, TomLib 1.2.9, TransGrp 2.0.5,
             utils 0.69
 Try '??help' for help. See also '?copyright', '?cite' and '?authors'
gap> LoadPackage( "RingsForHomalg" );
gap> Q := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular( );

Keeping your installation up-to-date

Updating CapAndHomalg.jl

To update CapAndHomalg.jl follow the instructions here.

Updating all packages

To update all GAP packages from GitHub organization homalg-project downloaded during the installation of CapAndHomalg.jl use the command UpdateAllPackagesFromHomalgProject:

julia> using CapAndHomalg

julia> UpdateAllPackagesFromHomalgProject()