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2 The category of ZX diagrams
 2.1 Constructors
 2.2 Filters
 2.3 Attributes

2 The category of ZX diagrams

2.1 Constructors

2.1-1 CategoryOfZXDiagrams
‣ CategoryOfZXDiagrams( arg )( function )

Returns: a category of zx diagrams

Creates a category of ZX diagrams.

2.1-2 ZX
‣ ZX( global variable )

The default instance of the category of ZX diagrams. It is automatically created while loading this package.

2.1-3 CategoryOfZXDiagrams_as_CategoryOfCospans_CategoryOfDecoratedQuivers
‣ CategoryOfZXDiagrams_as_CategoryOfCospans_CategoryOfDecoratedQuivers( arg )( function )

Returns: a category of zx diagrams

Creates a category of ZX diagrams as a tower. Only available if the package FunctorCategories is available.

2.2 Filters

2.2-1 IsCategoryOfZXDiagrams
‣ IsCategoryOfZXDiagrams( filter )

The filter of categories of ZX-diagrams.

2.2-2 IsZXDiagramObject
‣ IsZXDiagramObject( filter )

The filter of objects in a category of ZX-diagrams.

2.2-3 IsZXDiagramMorphism
‣ IsZXDiagramMorphism( filter )

The filter of morphisms in a category of ZX-diagrams.

2.3 Attributes

2.3-1 AsInteger
‣ AsInteger( obj )( attribute )

The integer defining an object in a category of ZX-diagrams.

2.3-2 VertexLabeledGraph
‣ VertexLabeledGraph( mor )( attribute )

The labeled graph defining a morphism in a category of ZX-diagrams.

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