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1 The category of cospans
 1.1 Constructors
 1.2 Filters
 1.3 Attributes

1 The category of cospans

1.1 Constructors

1.1-1 CategoryOfCospans_for_ZXCalculus
‣ CategoryOfCospans_for_ZXCalculus( C )( operation )

Returns: a category of cospans

Creates a category of cospans in the cocartesian category C with a rigid symmetric monoidal structure induced by the cocartesian structure of C.

1.2 Filters

1.2-1 IsCategoryOfCospans
‣ IsCategoryOfCospans( filter )

The filter of categories of cospans.

1.2-2 IsCategoryOfCospansObject
‣ IsCategoryOfCospansObject( filter )

The filter of objects in a category of cospans.

1.2-3 IsCategoryOfCospansMorphism
‣ IsCategoryOfCospansMorphism( filter )

The filter of morphisms in a category of cospans.

1.3 Attributes

1.3-1 UnderlyingCategory
‣ UnderlyingCategory( obj )( attribute )

The category underlying a category of cospans.

1.3-2 UnderlyingObject
‣ UnderlyingObject( obj )( attribute )

The object defining an object in a category of cospans.

1.3-3 UnderlyingMorphismPair
‣ UnderlyingMorphismPair( obj )( attribute )

The pair of morphisms defining a morphism in a category of cospans.

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