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3 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation
 3.1 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation of global functions
 3.2 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation of methods
 3.3 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation of attributes

3 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation

3.1 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation of global functions

3.1-1 DigraphOfKnownDoctrines
‣ DigraphOfKnownDoctrines( arg )( function )

Returns: a digraph

The Hasse digraph of the known doctrines.

3.2 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation of methods

3.2-1 Visualize
‣ Visualize( D )( operation )

Returns: nothing

Opens a PDF with the graph of the digraph D of known doctrines.

3.3 ToolsForCategoricalTowers automatic generated documentation of attributes

3.3-1 SvgString
‣ SvgString( cell )( attribute )
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