#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FinSetsForCAP", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FunctorCategories", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> category_constructor := { } -> CategoryOfBouquetsEnrichedOver( SkeletalCategoryOfFiniteSets( : FinalizeCategory := true ) );; gap> given_arguments := [ ];; gap> compiled_category_name := "FinBouquetsPrecompiled";; gap> package_name := "FunctorCategories";; gap> CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > given_arguments, > package_name, > compiled_category_name > : operations := [ "InitialObject", > "Coproduct", > "InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > "UniversalMorphismFromCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > #"CoproductOnMorphismsWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived and leads to an error > #"CoproductFunctorialWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived > "DistinguishedObjectOfHomomorphismStructure", > "HomomorphismStructureOnObjects", > #"HomomorphismStructureOnMorphismsWithGivenObjects", > "InterpretMorphismFromDistinguishedObjectToHomomorphismStructureAsMorphism", > "MorphismsOfExternalHom", > ] > );; gap> FinBouquetsPrecompiled( ); CategoryOfBouquetsEnrichedOver( SkeletalFinSets ) gap> cat := CategoryOfBouquetsEnrichedOver( SkeletalFinSets ); FinBouquets gap> cat!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FinSetsForCAP", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FunctorCategories", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> category_constructor := { } -> CategoryOfQuiversEnrichedOver( SkeletalCategoryOfFiniteSets( : FinalizeCategory := true ) );; gap> given_arguments := [ ];; gap> compiled_category_name := "FinQuiversPrecompiled";; gap> package_name := "FunctorCategories";; gap> CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > given_arguments, > package_name, > compiled_category_name > : operations := [ "InitialObject", > "Coproduct", > #"InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > #"UniversalMorphismFromCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > #"CoproductOnMorphismsWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived and leads to an error > #"CoproductFunctorialWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived > "DistinguishedObjectOfHomomorphismStructure", > "HomomorphismStructureOnObjects", > #"HomomorphismStructureOnMorphismsWithGivenObjects", > "InterpretMorphismFromDistinguishedObjectToHomomorphismStructureAsMorphism", > "MorphismsOfExternalHom", > ] > );; gap> FinQuiversPrecompiled( ); CategoryOfQuiversEnrichedOver( SkeletalFinSets ) gap> cat := CategoryOfQuiversEnrichedOver( SkeletalFinSets ); FinQuivers gap> cat!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FinSetsForCAP", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FunctorCategories", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> category_constructor := { } -> CategoryOfReflexiveQuiversEnrichedOver( SkeletalCategoryOfFiniteSets( : FinalizeCategory := true ) );; gap> given_arguments := [ ];; gap> compiled_category_name := "FinReflexiveQuiversPrecompiled";; gap> package_name := "FunctorCategories";; gap> CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > given_arguments, > package_name, > compiled_category_name > : operations := [ "InitialObject", > "Coproduct", > #"InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > #"UniversalMorphismFromCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > #"CoproductOnMorphismsWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived and leads to an error > #"CoproductFunctorialWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived > "DistinguishedObjectOfHomomorphismStructure", > "HomomorphismStructureOnObjects", > #"HomomorphismStructureOnMorphismsWithGivenObjects", > "InterpretMorphismFromDistinguishedObjectToHomomorphismStructureAsMorphism", > "MorphismsOfExternalHom", > ] > );; gap> FinReflexiveQuiversPrecompiled( ); CategoryOfReflexiveQuiversEnrichedOver( SkeletalFinSets ) gap> cat := CategoryOfReflexiveQuiversEnrichedOver( SkeletalFinSets ); FinReflexiveQuivers gap> cat!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2022.09-20", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FreydCategoriesForCAP", "gap/CategoryOfRows_as_AdditiveClosure_RingAsCategory_CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FinSetsForCAP", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FunctorCategories", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> k := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular( );; gap> quiver := RightQuiver( "q(3)[a:1->2,b:2->3]" );; gap> kF := k[FreeCategory( quiver )];; gap> A := AlgebroidFromDataTables( kF / [ kF.ab ] );; gap> category_constructor := A -> PreSheaves( A, CategoryOfRows( CommutativeRingOfLinearCategory( A ) : FinalizeCategory := true, no_precompiled_code := false ) );; gap> precompile_PreSheavesOfAlgebroidFromDataTablesInCategoryOfRows := > function( A, compiled_category_name ) > CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > [ A ], > "FunctorCategories", > compiled_category_name > : operations := > Difference( Concatenation( > ListPrimitivelyInstalledOperationsOfCategory( category_constructor( A : no_precompiled_code := true ) ), > [ "InverseForMorphisms", > "CokernelColiftWithGivenCokernelObject", > "KernelLiftWithGivenKernelObject", > ] ), > [ "IsZeroForObjects", > "IsZeroForMorphisms", > "IsEpimorphism", > "IsMonomorphism", > "IsIsomorphism", > "IsEqualForMorphisms", > "IsWellDefinedForObjects", > "IsProjective", > "IsInjective", > "EpimorphismFromSomeProjectiveObject", > "MonomorphismIntoSomeInjectiveObject", > "ProjectiveLift", > "InjectiveColift", > "EpimorphismFromProjectiveCoverObject", > "MonomorphismIntoInjectiveEnvelopeObject", > "IndecomposableProjectiveObjects", > "IndecomposableInjectiveObjects", > "IsReflexive", > ] ) ); end;; gap> precompile_PreSheavesOfAlgebroidFromDataTablesInCategoryOfRows( A, "PreSheavesOfAlgebroidFromDataTablesInCategoryOfRowsPrecompiled" ); gap> cat := PreSheavesOfAlgebroidFromDataTablesInCategoryOfRowsPrecompiled( A );; gap> cat!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2023.12-20", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FreydCategoriesForCAP", "gap/CategoryOfRows_as_AdditiveClosure_RingAsCategory_CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FinSetsForCAP", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FunctorCategories", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> QQ := HomalgFieldOfRationals( );; gap> quiver := RightQuiver( "q(3)[a:1->2,b:2->3]" );; gap> A := QQ[FreeCategory( quiver )];; gap> A_bar := A / [ A.ab ];; gap> category_constructor := A -> PreSheaves( A, CategoryOfRows( CommutativeRingOfLinearCategory( A ) : FinalizeCategory := true, no_precompiled_code := false ) );; gap> precompile_PreSheavesOfAlgebroidInCategoryOfRows := > function( A, compiled_category_name ) > CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > [ A ], > "FunctorCategories", > compiled_category_name > : operations := > Difference( Concatenation( > ListPrimitivelyInstalledOperationsOfCategory( category_constructor( A : no_precompiled_code := true ) ), > [ "InverseForMorphisms", > "CokernelColiftWithGivenCokernelObject", > "KernelLiftWithGivenKernelObject", > ] ), > [ "IsZeroForObjects", > "IsZeroForMorphisms", > "IsEpimorphism", > "IsMonomorphism", > "IsIsomorphism", > "IsEqualForMorphisms", > "IsWellDefinedForObjects", > "IsProjective", > "IsInjective", > "EpimorphismFromSomeProjectiveObject", > "MonomorphismIntoSomeInjectiveObject", > "ProjectiveLift", > "InjectiveColift", > "EpimorphismFromProjectiveCoverObject", > "MonomorphismIntoInjectiveEnvelopeObject", > "IndecomposableProjectiveObjects", > "IndecomposableInjectiveObjects", > "IsReflexive", > "CoefficientsOfMorphism", > ] ) ); end;; gap> precompile_PreSheavesOfAlgebroidInCategoryOfRows( A, "PreSheavesOfFreeAlgebroidInCategoryOfRowsPrecompiled" ); gap> precompile_PreSheavesOfAlgebroidInCategoryOfRows( A_bar, "PreSheavesOfAlgebroidWithRelationsInCategoryOfRowsPrecompiled" ); gap> PreSheavesOfFreeAlgebroidInCategoryOfRowsPrecompiled( A ); PreSheaves( Algebroid( Q, FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(3)[a:1->2,b:2->3]" ) ) ), Rows( Q ) ) gap> cat := PreSheavesOfAlgebroidWithRelationsInCategoryOfRowsPrecompiled( A_bar ); PreSheaves( Algebroid( Q, FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(3)[a:1->2,b:2->3]" ) ) ) / relations, Rows( Q ) ) gap> cat!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FinSetsForCAP", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FunctorCategories", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> free_category_of_quiver := { quiver, sFinSets } -> CategoryFromDataTables( FreeCategory( quiver : range_of_HomStructure := sFinSets, FinalizeCategory := true ) : FinalizeCategory := true );; gap> category_constructor := > function( quiver ) > local sFinSets; sFinSets := SkeletalCategoryOfFiniteSets( : FinalizeCategory := true, overhead := true ); return PreSheaves( CategoryFromDataTables( FreeCategory( quiver : range_of_HomStructure := sFinSets, FinalizeCategory := true ) : FinalizeCategory := true ), sFinSets ); end;; gap> given_arguments := [ RightQuiver( "q(2)[m:1->2]" ) ];; gap> compiled_category_name := "PreSheavesOfCategoryFromDataTablesInSkeletalFinSetsPrecompiled";; gap> package_name := "FunctorCategories";; gap> CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > given_arguments, > package_name, > compiled_category_name > : operations := [ "InitialObject", > "Coproduct", > "InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > "UniversalMorphismFromCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > #"CoproductOnMorphismsWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived and leads to an error > #"CoproductFunctorialWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived > "HomomorphismStructureOnObjects", > "HomomorphismStructureOnMorphismsWithGivenObjects", > "InterpretMorphismFromDistinguishedObjectToHomomorphismStructureAsMorphism", > "MorphismsOfExternalHom", > #"ExponentialOnObjects", > ] > );; gap> PreSheavesOfCategoryFromDataTablesInSkeletalFinSetsPrecompiled( given_arguments[1] ); PreSheaves( FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(2)[m:1->2]" ) ), SkeletalFinSets ) gap> cat := PreSheaves( free_category_of_quiver( given_arguments[1], SkeletalFinSets ) ); PreSheaves( FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(2)[m:1->2]" ) ), SkeletalFinSets ) gap> cat!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "FunctorCategories", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FinSetsForCAP", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "FunctorCategories", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> free_category_of_quiver := { quiver, sFinSets } -> FreeCategory( quiver : range_of_HomStructure := sFinSets, FinalizeCategory := true );; gap> category_constructor := > function( quiver ) > local sFinSets; sFinSets := SkeletalCategoryOfFiniteSets( : FinalizeCategory := true, overhead := true ); return PreSheaves( FreeCategory( quiver : range_of_HomStructure := sFinSets, FinalizeCategory := true ), sFinSets ); end;; gap> given_arguments := [ RightQuiver( "q(2)[m:1->2]" ) ];; gap> compiled_category_name := "PreSheavesOfFpCategoryInSkeletalFinSetsPrecompiled";; gap> package_name := "FunctorCategories";; gap> CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > given_arguments, > package_name, > compiled_category_name > : operations := [ "InitialObject", > "Coproduct", > "InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > "UniversalMorphismFromCoproductWithGivenCoproduct", > #"CoproductOnMorphismsWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived and leads to an error > #"CoproductFunctorialWithGivenCoproducts", # <- derived > "HomomorphismStructureOnObjects", > "HomomorphismStructureOnMorphismsWithGivenObjects", > "InterpretMorphismFromDistinguishedObjectToHomomorphismStructureAsMorphism", > "MorphismsOfExternalHom", > #"ExponentialOnObjects", > ] > );; gap> PreSheavesOfFpCategoryInSkeletalFinSetsPrecompiled( given_arguments[1] ); PreSheaves( FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(2)[m:1->2]" ) ), SkeletalFinSets ) gap> cat := PreSheaves( free_category_of_quiver( given_arguments[1], SkeletalFinSets ) ); PreSheaves( FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(2)[m:1->2]" ) ), SkeletalFinSets ) gap> cat!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
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