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5 The pair of parallel arrows category of a category
 5.1 Global variables
 5.2 Attributes
 5.3 Constructors
 5.4 GAP categories

5 The pair of parallel arrows category of a category

5.1 Global variables

5.1-1 QuiverOfCategoryOfQuivers
‣ QuiverOfCategoryOfQuivers( global variable )

The quiver generating the category of quivers.

5.2 Attributes

5.2-1 PairOfObjectsAndPairOfParallelMorphisms
‣ PairOfObjectsAndPairOfParallelMorphisms( quiver )( attribute )

5.2-2 DefiningPairOfMorphismBetweenParallelPairs
‣ DefiningPairOfMorphismBetweenParallelPairs( quiver_morphism )( attribute )

5.2-3 UnderlyingCategory
‣ UnderlyingCategory( PPAC )( attribute )

Return the category C underlying the category PPAC := PairOfParallelArrowsCategory( C ).

5.3 Constructors

5.3-1 PairOfParallelArrowsCategory
‣ PairOfParallelArrowsCategory( cat )( attribute )

Return the finite coequalizer closure of the coartesian category cat.

5.4 GAP categories

5.4-1 IsPairOfParallelArrowsCategory
‣ IsPairOfParallelArrowsCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of pair of parallel arrows categories.

5.4-2 IsCellInPairOfParallelArrowsCategory
‣ IsCellInPairOfParallelArrowsCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of cells in the pair of parallel arrows category of a category.

5.4-3 IsObjectInPairOfParallelArrowsCategory
‣ IsObjectInPairOfParallelArrowsCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of objects in the pair of parallel arrows category of a category.

5.4-4 IsMorphismInPairOfParallelArrowsCategory
‣ IsMorphismInPairOfParallelArrowsCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of morphisms in the pair of parallel arrows category of a category.

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