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8 Tools
 8.1 Functions

  8.1-1 homalgTotalRuntimes

  8.1-2 AddLeftRightLogicalImplicationsForHomalg

  8.1-3 LogicalImplicationsForOneHomalgObject

  8.1-4 LogicalImplicationsForTwoHomalgBasicObjects

  8.1-5 InstallLogicalImplicationsForHomalgBasicObjects

  8.1-6 LeftRightAttributesForHomalg

  8.1-7 InstallLeftRightAttributesForHomalg

  8.1-8 MatchPropertiesAndAttributes

  8.1-9 InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttribute

  8.1-10 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullPropertyOrAttribute

  8.1-11 InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName

  8.1-12 InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertiesOrAttributes

  8.1-13 InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperty

  8.1-14 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullTrueProperty

  8.1-15 InstallImmediateMethodToPullTruePropertyWithDifferentName

  8.1-16 InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperties

  8.1-17 InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperty

  8.1-18 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullFalseProperty

  8.1-19 InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalsePropertyWithDifferentName

  8.1-20 InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperties

  8.1-21 InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttribute

  8.1-22 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPushPropertyOrAttribute

  8.1-23 InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName

  8.1-24 InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertiesOrAttributes

  8.1-25 InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperty

  8.1-26 InstallImmediateMethodToPushTruePropertyWithDifferentName

  8.1-27 InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperties

  8.1-28 InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperty

  8.1-29 InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalsePropertyWithDifferentName

  8.1-30 InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperties

  8.1-31 DeclareAttributeWithCustomGetter

  8.1-32 AppendToAhomalgTable

  8.1-33 homalgNamesOfComponentsToIntLists

  8.1-34 IncreaseExistingCounterInObject

  8.1-35 IncreaseExistingCounterInObjectWithTiming

  8.1-36 IncreaseCounterInObject

  8.1-37 MemoryToString

  8.1-38 PrimePowerExponent

  8.1-39 ViewList

  8.1-40 homalgLaTeX

  8.1-41 IdenticalPosition

  8.1-42 PositionsOfMaximalObjects

  8.1-43 MaximalObjects

  8.1-44 CollectEntries

  8.1-45 MakeShowable

  8.1-46 MakeShowableWithLaTeX

  8.1-47 ReplacedStringViaRecord

  8.1-48 StartTimer

  8.1-49 StopTimer

  8.1-50 ResetTimer

  8.1-51 DisplayTimer

  8.1-52 ListImpliedFilters

  8.1-53 Breakpoint

  8.1-54 ReadPackageOnce
 8.2 Example functions

8 Tools

8.1 Functions

8.1-1 homalgTotalRuntimes
‣ homalgTotalRuntimes( arg )( function )

Returns: an integer

A tool to compute the runtime of several methods.

8.1-2 AddLeftRightLogicalImplicationsForHomalg
‣ AddLeftRightLogicalImplicationsForHomalg( arg )( function )

A tool to install equivalence between filters.

8.1-3 LogicalImplicationsForOneHomalgObject
‣ LogicalImplicationsForOneHomalgObject( arg )( function )

Installs a logical implication for one type with all it's contrapositions.

8.1-4 LogicalImplicationsForTwoHomalgBasicObjects
‣ LogicalImplicationsForTwoHomalgBasicObjects( arg )( function )

8.1-5 InstallLogicalImplicationsForHomalgBasicObjects
‣ InstallLogicalImplicationsForHomalgBasicObjects( arg )( function )

8.1-6 LeftRightAttributesForHomalg
‣ LeftRightAttributesForHomalg( arg )( function )

8.1-7 InstallLeftRightAttributesForHomalg
‣ InstallLeftRightAttributesForHomalg( arg )( function )

8.1-8 MatchPropertiesAndAttributes
‣ MatchPropertiesAndAttributes( arg )( function )

A method to match the properties and attributes of two objects.

8.1-9 InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttribute
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttribute( arg )( function )

Installs methods to pull new known properties and attributes from one object to another

8.1-10 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullPropertyOrAttribute
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullPropertyOrAttribute( arg )( function )

Installs methods to pull new known properties and attributes under certain conditions from one object to another.

8.1-11 InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which can pull a property from one object to another with different names.

8.1-12 InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertiesOrAttributes
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertiesOrAttributes( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to pull several properties or attributes from one object to another.

8.1-13 InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperty
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperty( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to pull a property if it is true.

8.1-14 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullTrueProperty
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullTrueProperty( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which conditionally pulls a property if it is true.

8.1-15 InstallImmediateMethodToPullTruePropertyWithDifferentName
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullTruePropertyWithDifferentName( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which pulls a property with a different name if it is true.

8.1-16 InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperties
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperties( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which pulls several properties if they are true

8.1-17 InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperty
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperty( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to pull a property if it is false.

8.1-18 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullFalseProperty
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullFalseProperty( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which conditionally pulls a property if it is false.

8.1-19 InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalsePropertyWithDifferentName
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalsePropertyWithDifferentName( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which pulls a property with a different name if it is false.

8.1-20 InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperties
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperties( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which pulls several properties if they are false.

8.1-21 InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttribute
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttribute( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to push a property from one object to another.

8.1-22 InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPushPropertyOrAttribute
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPushPropertyOrAttribute( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to conditionally push a property from one object to another.

8.1-23 InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which can push a property from one object to another with different names.

8.1-24 InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertiesOrAttributes
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertiesOrAttributes( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to push several properties or attributes from one object to another.

8.1-25 InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperty
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperty( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to push a property if it is true.

8.1-26 InstallImmediateMethodToPushTruePropertyWithDifferentName
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushTruePropertyWithDifferentName( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which pushes a property with a different name if it is true.

8.1-27 InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperties
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperties( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which pushes several properties if they are true

8.1-28 InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperty
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperty( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method to push a property if it is false.

8.1-29 InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalsePropertyWithDifferentName
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalsePropertyWithDifferentName( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which pushes a property with a different name if it is false.

8.1-30 InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperties
‣ InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperties( arg )( function )

Installs an immediate method which push several properties if they are false.

8.1-31 DeclareAttributeWithCustomGetter
‣ DeclareAttributeWithCustomGetter( arg )( function )

Installs an attribute with a coustom getter function.

8.1-32 AppendToAhomalgTable
‣ AppendToAhomalgTable( arg )( function )

Appends an entry to a homalg table.

8.1-33 homalgNamesOfComponentsToIntLists
‣ homalgNamesOfComponentsToIntLists( arg )( function )

Returns: a list of integers

Creates a list of integers out of the names of components.

8.1-34 IncreaseExistingCounterInObject
‣ IncreaseExistingCounterInObject( arg )( function )

Increases an existing counter in an object.

8.1-35 IncreaseExistingCounterInObjectWithTiming
‣ IncreaseExistingCounterInObjectWithTiming( arg )( function )

Increases an existiing counter on an object with timing.

8.1-36 IncreaseCounterInObject
‣ IncreaseCounterInObject( arg )( function )

Increases a counter in an object and creates one if it not exists

8.1-37 MemoryToString
‣ MemoryToString( arg )( function )

Converts the current memory state to a string

8.1-38 PrimePowerExponent
‣ PrimePowerExponent( n, p )( function )

Returns: A nonnegative integer

Returns the p-exponent of the integer n, where p is a rational prime.

8.1-39 ViewList
‣ ViewList( L )( operation )

Returns: nothing

Apply ViewObj to the list L.

8.1-40 homalgLaTeX
‣ homalgLaTeX( arg )( operation )

8.1-41 IdenticalPosition
‣ IdenticalPosition( L, o )( operation )

Returns: a positive integer or fail

Return the position of the object identical to o in the list L

8.1-42 PositionsOfMaximalObjects
‣ PositionsOfMaximalObjects( L, f )( operation )

Returns: a list

Return the list of positions of maximal objects in L w.r.t. the partial order defined by the binary function f.

8.1-43 MaximalObjects
‣ MaximalObjects( L, f )( operation )

Returns: a list

Return the sublist of maximal objects in L w.r.t. the partial order defined by the binary function f.

8.1-44 CollectEntries
‣ CollectEntries( list )( function )

Returns: a list

returns a new list that contains for each element elm of the list list a list of length two, the first element of this is elm itself and the second element is the number of times elm appears in list until the next different element. The default comparing function is \=, which can be changed by passing an optional value to ComparingFunction.

8.1-45 MakeShowable
‣ MakeShowable( mime_types, filter )( function )

Installs a method for IsShowable such that IsShowable( mime_type, object ) returns true for any mime_type in the list mime_types and object in the filter filter.

8.1-46 MakeShowableWithLaTeX
‣ MakeShowableWithLaTeX( filter )( function )

Installs a method for IsShowable such that IsShowable( "text/latex", object ) and IsShowable( "application/x-latex", object ) return true for an object in the filter filter.

8.1-47 ReplacedStringViaRecord
‣ ReplacedStringViaRecord( string, record )( function )

Searches for the keys of record in string and replaces them by their values. The values can be strings or lists of strings. In the second case, the search term must be followed by ... and the replacement string is formed by joining the entries of the list with the separator ", ".

8.1-48 StartTimer
‣ StartTimer( name )( function )

(Re-)Starts a timer with the given name.

8.1-49 StopTimer
‣ StopTimer( name )( function )

Stops a timer with the given name.

8.1-50 ResetTimer
‣ ResetTimer( name )( function )

Resets a timer with the given name.

8.1-51 DisplayTimer
‣ DisplayTimer( name )( function )

Displays the current value of the timer with the given name.

8.1-52 ListImpliedFilters
‣ ListImpliedFilters( filt )( function )

The input is a filter filt. The output is the list of all filters implied by filt, including filt itself.

8.1-53 Breakpoint
‣ Breakpoint( name[, break_at[, break_function]] )( function )

If only a string name is given, displays an incrementing number every time a breakpoint with this name is visited. If additionally an integer break_at is given, enters a break-loop if the breakpoint has been visited the specified number of times. If a function break_function is given, it is executed before entering the break-loop.

8.1-54 ReadPackageOnce
‣ ReadPackageOnce( name )( function )

Like ReadPackage but reads the file only once in the runnig GAP session.

8.2 Example functions

8.2-1 ExamplesForHomalg
‣ ExamplesForHomalg( )( operation )

Returns: true or false

Runs the examples for homalg if the package is loadable.

8.2-2 ExamplesForHomalg
‣ ExamplesForHomalg( arg )( operation )

Returns: true or false

Runs the named example for homalg

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