‣ HOMALG_TOOLS | ( global variable ) |
A central place for configurations.
‣ IsStructureObjectOrObjectOrMorphism ( arg ) | ( filter ) |
Returns: true
or false
This is the super super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsStructureObjectOrObject and IsHomalgObjectOrMorphism
‣ IsStructureObjectOrObject ( arg ) | ( filter ) |
Returns: true
or false
This is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgModule, IsHomalgRingOrModule and IsHomalgComplex
‣ IsStructureObject ( arg ) | ( filter ) |
Returns: true
or false
This is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRing we need this GAP-category to define things like Hom(M,R) as easy as Hom(M,N) without distinguishing between structure objects (e.g. rings) and objects (e.g. modules)
‣ IsStructureObjectMorphism ( arg ) | ( filter ) |
Returns: true
or false
This is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRingMap, etc.
‣ IsHomalgRingOrModule ( arg ) | ( filter ) |
Returns: true
or false
this is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgModule:
‣ RingFilter ( ring ) | ( attribute ) |
A filter inheriting from IsRing
which uniquely identifies the ring ring. For example, the ring Integers
is identified by IsIntegers
. If no filter uniquely identifying the ring exists, the most special filter available should be chosen.
‣ RingElementFilter ( ring ) | ( attribute ) |
A filter inheriting from IsRingElement
which uniquely identifies elements of the ring ring. For example, the elements of the ring Integers
are identified by IsInt
. If no filter uniquely identifying the elements of the ring exists, the most special filter available should be chosen.
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