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6 Basics
 6.1 Global variables
 6.2 GAP Categories
 6.3 Attributes

6 Basics

6.1 Global variables

‣ HOMALG_TOOLS( global variable )

A central place for configurations.

6.2 GAP Categories

6.2-1 IsStructureObjectOrObjectOrMorphism
‣ IsStructureObjectOrObjectOrMorphism( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

This is the super super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsStructureObjectOrObject and IsHomalgObjectOrMorphism

6.2-2 IsStructureObjectOrObject
‣ IsStructureObjectOrObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

This is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgModule, IsHomalgRingOrModule and IsHomalgComplex

6.2-3 IsStructureObject
‣ IsStructureObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

This is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRing we need this GAP-category to define things like Hom(M,R) as easy as Hom(M,N) without distinguishing between structure objects (e.g. rings) and objects (e.g. modules)

6.2-4 IsStructureObjectMorphism
‣ IsStructureObjectMorphism( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

This is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRingMap, etc.

6.2-5 IsHomalgRingOrModule
‣ IsHomalgRingOrModule( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

this is the super GAP-category which will include the GAP-categories IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgModule:

6.3 Attributes

6.3-1 RingFilter
‣ RingFilter( ring )( attribute )

A filter inheriting from IsRing which uniquely identifies the ring ring. For example, the ring Integers is identified by IsIntegers. If no filter uniquely identifying the ring exists, the most special filter available should be chosen.

6.3-2 RingElementFilter
‣ RingElementFilter( ring )( attribute )

A filter inheriting from IsRingElement which uniquely identifies elements of the ring ring. For example, the elements of the ring Integers are identified by IsInt. If no filter uniquely identifying the elements of the ring exists, the most special filter available should be chosen.

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