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E Debugging MatricesForHomalg
 E.1 Increase the assertion level
 E.2 Using homalgMode

E Debugging MatricesForHomalg

Beside the GAP builtin debugging facilities (--> Reference: Debugging and Profiling Facilities) MatricesForHomalg provides two ways to debug the computations.

E.1 Increase the assertion level

MatricesForHomalg comes with numerous builtin assertion checks. They are activated if the user increases the assertion level using

SetAssertionLevel( level );

(--> Reference: AssertionLevel), where level is one of the values below:

level description
0 no assertion checks whatsoever
4 assertions about basic matrix operations are checked (--> Appendix A)
(these are among the operations often delegated to external systems)

In particular, if MatricesForHomalg delegates matrix operations to an external system then SetAssertionLevel( 4 ); can be used to let MatricesForHomalg debug the external system.

Below you can find the record of the available level-4 assertions, which is a GAP-component of every homalg ring. Each assertion can thus be overwritten by package developers or even ordinary users.

asserts :=
      BasisOfRowModule :=
        function( B ) return ( NumberRows( B ) = 0 ) = IsZero( B ); end,
      BasisOfColumnModule :=
        function( B ) return ( NumberColumns( B ) = 0 ) = IsZero( B ); end,
      BasisOfRowsCoeff :=
        function( B, T, M ) return B = T * M; end,
      BasisOfColumnsCoeff :=
        function( B, M, T ) return B = M * T; end,
      DecideZeroRows_Effectively :=
        function( M, A, B ) return M = DecideZeroRows( A, B ); end,
      DecideZeroColumns_Effectively :=
        function( M, A, B ) return M = DecideZeroColumns( A, B ); end,
      DecideZeroRowsEffectively :=
        function( M, A, T, B ) return M = A + T * B; end,
      DecideZeroColumnsEffectively :=
        function( M, A, B, T ) return M = A + B * T; end,
      DecideZeroRowsWRTNonBasis :=
        function( B )
          local R;
          R := HomalgRing( B );
          if not ( HasIsBasisOfRowsMatrix( B ) and
                   IsBasisOfRowsMatrix( B ) ) and
             IsBound( R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis ) then
              if R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "warn" then
                  Info( InfoWarning, 1,
                        "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                        "with IsBasisOfRowsMatrix not set to true" );
              elif R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "error" then
                  Error( "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                         "with IsBasisOfRowsMatrix not set to true\n" );
      DecideZeroColumnsWRTNonBasis :=
        function( B )
          local R;
          R := HomalgRing( B );
          if not ( HasIsBasisOfColumnsMatrix( B ) and
                   IsBasisOfColumnsMatrix( B ) ) and
             IsBound( R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis ) then
              if R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "warn" then
                  Info( InfoWarning, 1,
                        "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                        "with IsBasisOfColumnsMatrix not set to true" );
              elif R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "error" then
                  Error( "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                         "with IsBasisOfColumnsMatrix not set to true\n" );
      ReducedBasisOfRowModule :=
        function( M, B )
          return GenerateSameRowModule( B, BasisOfRowModule( M ) );
      ReducedBasisOfColumnModule :=
        function( M, B )
          return GenerateSameColumnModule( B, BasisOfColumnModule( M ) );
      ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows :=
        function( M, S )
          return GenerateSameRowModule( S, SyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows( M ) );
      ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns :=
        function( M, S )
          return GenerateSameColumnModule( S, SyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns( M ) );

E.2 Using homalgMode

E.2-1 homalgMode
‣ homalgMode( str[, str2] )( method )

This function sets different modes which influence how much of the basic matrix operations and the logical matrix methods become visible (--> Appendices A, C). Handling the string str is not case-sensitive. If a second string str2 is given, then homalgMode( str2 ) is invoked at the end. In case you let homalg delegate matrix operations to an external system the you might also want to check homalgIOMode in the HomalgToCAS package manual.

str str (long form) mode description
"" "" the default mode, i.e. the computation protocol won't be visible
(homalgMode( ) is a short form for homalgMode( "" ))
"b" "basic" make the basic matrix operations visible + homalgMode( "logic" )
"d" "debug" same as "basic" but also makes Row/ReducedColumnEchelonForm visible
"l" "logic" make the logical methods in LIMAT and COLEM visible

All modes other than the "default"-mode only set their specific values and leave the other values untouched, which allows combining them to some extent. This also means that in order to get from one mode to a new mode (without the aim to combine them) one needs to reset to the "default"-mode first. This can be done using homalgMode( "", new_mode );

InstallGlobalFunction( homalgMode,
  function( arg )
    local nargs, mode, s;
    nargs := Length( arg );
    if nargs = 0 or ( IsString( arg[1] ) and arg[1] = "" ) then
        mode := "default";
    elif IsString( arg[1] ) then ## now we know, the string is not empty
        s := arg[1];
        if LowercaseString( s{[1]} ) = "b" then
            mode := "basic";
        elif LowercaseString( s{[1]} ) = "d" then
            mode := "debug";
        elif LowercaseString( s{[1]} ) = "l" then
            mode := "logic";
            mode := "";
        Error( "the first argument must be a string\n" );
    if mode = "default" then
        HOMALG_MATRICES.color_display := false;
        for s in HOMALG_MATRICES.matrix_logic_infolevels do
            SetInfoLevel( s, 1 );
        SetInfoLevel( InfoHomalgBasicOperations, 1 );
    elif mode = "basic" then
        SetInfoLevel( InfoHomalgBasicOperations, 3 );
        homalgMode( "logic" );
    elif mode = "debug" then
        SetInfoLevel( InfoHomalgBasicOperations, 4 );
        homalgMode( "logic" );
    elif mode = "logic" then
        HOMALG_MATRICES.color_display := true;
        for s in HOMALG_MATRICES.matrix_logic_infolevels do
            SetInfoLevel( s, 2 );
    if nargs > 1 and IsString( arg[2] ) then
        homalgMode( arg[2] );
end );
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