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4 Tools
 4.1 Tools

4 Tools

4.1 Tools

4.1-1 IteratorByUncertainFunction
‣ IteratorByUncertainFunction( r, value_done )( function )

Returns: an iterator

IteratorByUncertainFunction returns a (mutable) iterator iter for which NextIterator, IsDoneIterator, and ShallowCopy are computed via prescribed functions. The input r is a record having at least the component NextIterator. The latter is a function taking the single argument iter and returns the next element of iter. Further (data) components may be contained in record which can be used by these function. IteratorByUncertainFunction does not make a shallow copy of record, this record is changed in place.

4.1-2 TwoLevelIterator
‣ TwoLevelIterator( L )( function )

Returns: an iterator

Return a recursive iterator for the list of lists L.

4.1-3 ThreeLevelIterator
‣ ThreeLevelIterator( L )( function )

Returns: an iterator

Return a recursive iterator for the list of lists of lists L.

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