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1 Examples and Tests
 1.1 Category of Lenses
 1.2 Category of Parametrised Morphisms
 1.3 Category of Smooth Maps
 1.4 Expressions

1 Examples and Tests

1.1 Category of Lenses

gap> Smooth := CategoryOfSkeletalSmoothMaps( );
gap> Lenses := CategoryOfLenses( Smooth );
CategoryOfLenses( SkeletalSmoothMaps )
gap> A := ObjectConstructor( Lenses, [ Smooth.( 1 ), Smooth.( 2 ) ] );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2)
gap> IsWellDefined( A );
gap> CapCategory( A );
CategoryOfLenses( SkeletalSmoothMaps )
gap> A_datum := ObjectDatum( A );
[ ℝ^1, ℝ^2 ]
gap> CapCategory( A_datum[1] );
gap> B := ObjectConstructor( Lenses, [ Smooth.( 3 ), Smooth.( 4 ) ] );
(ℝ^3, ℝ^4)
gap> get := RandomMorphism( Smooth.( 1 ), Smooth.( 3 ), 5 );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3
gap> put := RandomMorphism( Smooth.( 1 + 4 ), Smooth.( 2 ), 5 );
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2
gap> f := MorphismConstructor( Lenses, A, [ get, put ], B );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^3, ℝ^4) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3

Put Morphism:
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2
gap> MorphismDatum( f );
[ ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3, ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2 ]
gap> IsWellDefined( f );
gap> Display( f );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^3, ℝ^4) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3

‣ 0.766 * x1 ^ 4 + 0.234
‣ 1. * x1 ^ 4 + 0.388
‣ 0.459 * x1 ^ 4 + 0.278

Put Morphism:
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2

‣ 0.677 * x1 ^ 5 + 0.19 * x2 ^ 4 + 0.659 * x3 ^ 4
+ 0.859 * x4 ^ 5 + 0.28 * x5 ^ 1 + 0.216
‣ 0.37 * x1 ^ 5 + 0.571 * x2 ^ 4 + 0.835 * x3 ^ 4
+ 0.773 * x4 ^ 5 + 0.469 * x5 ^ 1 + 0.159
gap> id_A := IdentityMorphism( Lenses, A );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^1, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

Put Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( id_A );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^1, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ x1

Put Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^2

‣ x2
‣ x3
gap> IsCongruentForMorphisms( PreCompose( id_A, f ), f );
gap> TensorUnit( Lenses );
(ℝ^0, ℝ^0)
gap> TensorProductOnObjects( A, B );
(ℝ^4, ℝ^6)
gap> f1 := RandomMorphism( A, B, 5 );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^3, ℝ^4) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3

Put Morphism:
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2
gap> f2 := RandomMorphism( A, B, 5 );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^3, ℝ^4) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3

Put Morphism:
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2
gap> f3 := RandomMorphism( A, B, 5 );
(ℝ^1, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^3, ℝ^4) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3

Put Morphism:
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2
gap> f1_f2 := TensorProductOnMorphisms( Lenses, f1, f2 );
(ℝ^2, ℝ^4) -> (ℝ^6, ℝ^8) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^6

Put Morphism:
ℝ^10 -> ℝ^4
gap> f2_f3 := TensorProductOnMorphisms( Lenses, f2, f3 );
(ℝ^2, ℝ^4) -> (ℝ^6, ℝ^8) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^6

Put Morphism:
ℝ^10 -> ℝ^4
gap> t1 := TensorProductOnMorphisms( Lenses, f1_f2, f3 );
(ℝ^3, ℝ^6) -> (ℝ^9, ℝ^12) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^9

Put Morphism:
ℝ^15 -> ℝ^6
gap> t2 := TensorProductOnMorphisms( Lenses, f1, f2_f3 );
(ℝ^3, ℝ^6) -> (ℝ^9, ℝ^12) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^9

Put Morphism:
ℝ^15 -> ℝ^6
gap> IsCongruentForMorphisms( t1, t2 );
gap> Display( Braiding( A, B ) );
(ℝ^4, ℝ^6) -> (ℝ^4, ℝ^6) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^4

‣ x2
‣ x3
‣ x4
‣ x1

Put Morphism:
ℝ^10 -> ℝ^6

‣ x9
‣ x10
‣ x5
‣ x6
‣ x7
‣ x8
gap> Display( PreCompose( Braiding( A, B ), BraidingInverse( A, B ) ) );
(ℝ^4, ℝ^6) -> (ℝ^4, ℝ^6) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^4

‣ x1
‣ x2
‣ x3
‣ x4

Put Morphism:
ℝ^10 -> ℝ^6

‣ x5
‣ x6
‣ x7
‣ x8
‣ x9
‣ x10
gap> R := EmbeddingIntoCategoryOfLenses( Smooth, Lenses );
Embedding functor into category of lenses
gap> SourceOfFunctor( R );
gap> RangeOfFunctor( R );
CategoryOfLenses( SkeletalSmoothMaps )
gap> f := Smooth.Softmax( 2 );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( f );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ Exp( x1 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ))
‣ Exp( x2 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ))
gap> Rf := ApplyFunctor( R, f );
(ℝ^2, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^2, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

Put Morphism:
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( Rf );
(ℝ^2, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^2, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ Exp( x1 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ))
‣ Exp( x2 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ))

Put Morphism:
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^2

‣ x3 *
  ((Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) - Exp( x1 )) * (Exp( x1 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 )) ^ 2))
  + x4 * ((- Exp( x1 )) * (Exp( x2 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 )) ^ 2))
‣ x3 * ((- Exp( x2 )) * (Exp( x1 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 )) ^ 2)) +
  x4 *
  ((Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) - Exp( x2 )) * (Exp( x2 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 )) ^ 2))
gap> Display( Lenses.GradientDescentOptimizer( :learning_rate := 0.01 )( 2 ) );
(ℝ^2, ℝ^2) -> (ℝ^2, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ x1
‣ x2

Put Morphism:
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^2

‣ x1 + 0.01 * x3
‣ x2 + 0.01 * x4
gap> Display( Lenses.GradientDescentWithMomentumOptimizer(
>             :learning_rate := 0.01, momentum := 0.9 )( 2 ) );
(ℝ^4, ℝ^4) -> (ℝ^2, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^2

‣ x3
‣ x4

Put Morphism:
ℝ^6 -> ℝ^4

‣ 0.9 * x1 + 0.01 * x5
‣ 0.9 * x2 + 0.01 * x6
‣ x3 + (0.9 * x1 + 0.01 * x5)
‣ x4 + (0.9 * x2 + 0.01 * x6)
gap> Display( Lenses.AdagradOptimizer( :learning_rate := 0.01 )( 2 ) );
(ℝ^4, ℝ^4) -> (ℝ^2, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^2

‣ x3
‣ x4

Put Morphism:
ℝ^6 -> ℝ^4

‣ x1 + x5 ^ 2
‣ x2 + x6 ^ 2
‣ x3 + 0.01 * x5 / (1.e-07 + Sqrt( (x1 + x5 ^ 2) ))
‣ x4 + 0.01 * x6 / (1.e-07 + Sqrt( (x2 + x6 ^ 2) ))
gap> Display( Lenses.AdamOptimizer(
>           :learning_rate := 0.01, beta_1 := 0.9, beta_2 := 0.999 )( 2 ) );
(ℝ^7, ℝ^7) -> (ℝ^2, ℝ^2) defined by:

Get Morphism:
ℝ^7 -> ℝ^2

‣ x6
‣ x7

Put Morphism:
ℝ^9 -> ℝ^7

‣ x1 + 1
‣ 0.9 * x2 + 0.1 * x8
‣ 0.9 * x3 + 0.1 * x9
‣ 0.999 * x4 + 0.001 * x8 ^ 2
‣ 0.999 * x5 + 0.001 * x9 ^ 2
‣ x6 + 0.01 / (1 - 0.999 ^ x1)
  * ((0.9 * x2 + 0.1 * x8) /
     (1.e-07 + Sqrt( (0.999 * x4 + 0.001 * x8 ^ 2) / (1 - 0.999 ^ x1) )))
‣ x7 + 0.01 / (1 - 0.999 ^ x1)
  * ((0.9 * x3 + 0.1 * x9) /
     (1.e-07 + Sqrt( (0.999 * x5 + 0.001 * x9 ^ 2) / (1 - 0.999 ^ x1) )))

1.2 Category of Parametrised Morphisms

gap> Smooth := CategoryOfSkeletalSmoothMaps( );
gap> Para := CategoryOfParametrisedMorphisms( Smooth );
CategoryOfParametrisedMorphisms( SkeletalSmoothMaps )
gap> R1 := Smooth.( 1 );
gap> R2 := Smooth.( 2 );
gap> R3 := Smooth.( 3 );
gap> R1 / Para;
gap> Para.( 1 );
gap> IsEqualForObjects( Para.( 1 ), R1 / Para );
gap> f := Smooth.Softmax( 3 );
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^3
gap> f := MorphismConstructor( Para, R1 / Para, [ R2, f ], R3 / Para );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^3
gap> Display( f );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^3

‣ Exp( x1 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) + Exp( x3 ))
‣ Exp( x2 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) + Exp( x3 ))
‣ Exp( x3 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) + Exp( x3 ))
gap> IsWellDefined( f );
gap> r := DirectProductFunctorial( Smooth, [ Smooth.Sqrt, Smooth.Cos ] );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( r );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ Sqrt( x1 )
‣ Cos( x2 )
gap> g := ReparametriseMorphism( f, r );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^3
gap> Display( g );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^3 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^3

‣ Exp( Sqrt( x1 ) ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x1 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x2 ) ) + Exp( x3 ))
‣ Exp( Cos( x2 ) ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x1 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x2 ) ) + Exp( x3 ))
‣ Exp( x3 ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x1 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x2 ) ) + Exp( x3 ))
gap> l := Para.AffineTransformation( 3, 2 );
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^2 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^11 -> ℝ^2
gap> h := PreCompose( g, l );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^11 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( h );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^11 -> ℝ^2

‣ x1 * (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) + Exp( x11 )))
  + x2 * (Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) + Exp( x11 )))
  + x3 * (Exp( x11 ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) + Exp( x11 ))) + x4
‣ x5 * (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) + Exp( x11 )))
  + x6 * (Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) + Exp( x11 )))
  + x7 * (Exp( x11 ) / (Exp( Sqrt( x9 ) ) + Exp( Cos( x10 ) ) + Exp( x11 ))) + x8
gap> constants := [ 0.91, 0.24, 0.88, 0.59, 0.67, 0.05, 0.85, 0.31, 0.76, 0.04 ];;
gap> r := Smooth.Constant( constants );
ℝ^0 -> ℝ^10
gap> t := ReparametriseMorphism( h, r );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( t );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2

‣ 0.91 * (2.39116 / (5.10727 + Exp( x1 ))) + 0.24 * (2.71611 / (5.10727 + Exp( x1 )))
  + 0.88 * (Exp( x1 ) / (5.10727 + Exp( x1 ))) + 0.59
‣ 0.67 * (2.39116 / (5.10727 + Exp( x1 ))) + 0.05 * (2.71611 / (5.10727 + Exp( x1 )))
  + 0.85 * (Exp( x1 ) / (5.10727 + Exp( x1 ))) + 0.31
gap> s := SimplifyMorphism( t, infinity );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( s );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^2

‣ (1.47 * Exp( x1 ) + 5.84111) / (Exp( x1 ) + 5.10727)
‣ (1.16 * Exp( x1 ) + 3.32114) / (Exp( x1 ) + 5.10727)
gap> iota := NaturalEmbeddingIntoCategoryOfParametrisedMorphisms( Smooth, Para );
Natural embedding into category of parametrised morphisms
gap> ApplyFunctor( iota, Smooth.( 1 ) );
gap> psi := ApplyFunctor( iota, Smooth.Sum( 2 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^1 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^1
gap> Print( DisplayString( psi ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^1 defined by:

Underlying Object:

Underlying Morphism:
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^1

‣ x1 + x2

1.3 Category of Smooth Maps

gap> Smooth := CategoryOfSkeletalSmoothMaps( );
gap> R2 := ObjectConstructor( Smooth, 2 );
gap> R2 = Smooth.2;
gap> r := RandomMorphism( R2, R2, 3 );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( r );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ 0.766 * x1 ^ 1 + 0.234 * x2 ^ 2 + 1.
‣ 0.388 * x1 ^ 1 + 0.459 * x2 ^ 2 + 0.278
gap> f := MorphismConstructor( Smooth,
>         Smooth.2,
>         Pair(
>           x -> [ x[1] ^ 2 + Sin( x[2] ), Exp( x[1] ) + 3 * x[2] ],
>           x -> [ [ 2 * x[1], Cos( x[2] ) ], [ Exp( x[1] ), 3 ] ] ),
>         Smooth.2 );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( f );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ x1 ^ 2 + Sin( x2 )
‣ Exp( x1 ) + 3 * x2
gap> dummy_input := ConvertToExpressions( [ "x1", "x2" ] );
[ x1, x2 ]
gap> Map( f )( dummy_input );
[ x1 ^ 2 + Sin( x2 ), Exp( x1 ) + 3 * x2 ]
gap> JacobianMatrix( f )( dummy_input );
[ [ 2 * x1, Cos( x2 ) ], [ Exp( x1 ), 3 ] ]
gap> x := [ 0.2, 0.3 ];
[ 0.2, 0.3 ]
gap> Map( f )( x );
[ 0.33552, 2.1214 ]
gap> JacobianMatrix( f )( x );
[ [ 0.4, 0.955336 ], [ 1.2214, 3 ] ]
gap> g := MorphismConstructor( Smooth,
>         Smooth.2,
>         Pair(
>           x -> [ 3 * x[1], Exp( x[2] ), x[1] ^ 3 + Log( x[2] ) ],
>           x -> [ [ 3, 0 ],
>                  [ 0, Exp( x[2] ) ],
>                  [ 3 * x[1] ^ 2, 1 / x[2] ] ] ),
>         Smooth.3 );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3
gap> Display( g );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3

‣ 3 * x1
‣ Exp( x2 )
‣ x1 ^ 3 + Log( x2 )
gap> Map( g )( dummy_input );
[ 3 * x1, Exp( x2 ), x1 ^ 3 + Log( x2 ) ]
gap> JacobianMatrix( g )( dummy_input );
[ [ 3, 0 ], [ 0, Exp( x2 ) ], [ 3 * x1 ^ 2, 1 / x2 ] ]
gap> h := PostCompose( g, f );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3
gap> Display( h );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3

‣ 3 * (x1 ^ 2 + Sin( x2 ))
‣ Exp( Exp( x1 ) + 3 * x2 )
‣ (x1 ^ 2 + Sin( x2 )) ^ 3 + Log( (Exp( x1 ) + 3 * x2) )
gap> x;
[ 0.2, 0.3 ]
gap> Map( h )( x );
[ 1.00656, 8.34283, 0.789848 ]
gap> Eval( h, x );
[ 1.00656, 8.34283, 0.789848 ]
gap> Map( g )( Map( f )( x ) );
[ 1.00656, 8.34283, 0.789848 ]
gap> JacobianMatrix( h )( x );
[ [ 1.2, 2.86601 ], [ 10.19, 25.0285 ], [ 0.710841, 1.7368 ] ]
gap> EvalJacobianMatrix( h, x );
[ [ 1.2, 2.86601 ], [ 10.19, 25.0285 ], [ 0.710841, 1.7368 ] ]
gap> JacobianMatrix( g )( Map( f )( x ) ) * JacobianMatrix( f )( x );
[ [ 1.2, 2.86601 ], [ 10.19, 25.0285 ], [ 0.710841, 1.7368 ] ]
gap> IsCongruentForMorphisms( Smooth, f + f, 2 * f );
gap> IsCongruentForMorphisms( Smooth, 2 * f - f, f );
gap> s := SimplifyMorphism( h, infinity );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3
gap> Display( s );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3

‣ 3 * x1 ^ 2 + 3 * Sin( x2 )
‣ Exp( 3 * x2 + Exp( x1 ) )
‣ (x1 ^ 2 + Sin( x2 )) ^ 3 + Log( (3 * x2 + Exp( x1 )) )
gap> R2 := Smooth.( 2 );
gap> R3 := Smooth.( 3 );
gap> DirectProduct( R2, R3 );
gap> p1 := ProjectionInFactorOfDirectProduct( [ R2, R3 ], 1 );
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( p1 );
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^2

‣ x1
‣ x2
gap> p2 := ProjectionInFactorOfDirectProduct( [ R2, R3 ], 2 );
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^3
gap> Display( p2 );
ℝ^5 -> ℝ^3

‣ x3
‣ x4
‣ x5
gap> u := UniversalMorphismIntoDirectProduct( Smooth, [ f, g ] );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^5
gap> Display( u );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^5

‣ x1 ^ 2 + Sin( x2 )
‣ Exp( x1 ) + 3 * x2
‣ 3 * x1
‣ Exp( x2 )
‣ x1 ^ 3 + Log( x2 )
gap> PreCompose( Smooth, u, p1 ) = f;
gap> PreCompose( Smooth, u, p2 ) = g;
gap> d := DirectProductFunctorial( Smooth, [ f, g ] );
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^5
gap> Display( d );
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^5

‣ x1 ^ 2 + Sin( x2 )
‣ Exp( x1 ) + 3 * x2
‣ 3 * x3
‣ Exp( x4 )
‣ x3 ^ 3 + Log( x4 )
gap> Rf := ReverseDifferential( f );
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^2
gap> Display( Rf );
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^2

‣ x3 * (2 * x1) + x4 * Exp( x1 )
‣ x3 * Cos( x2 ) + x4 * 3
gap> Display( Smooth.Sqrt );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ Sqrt( x1 )
gap> Display( Smooth.Exp );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ Exp( x1 )
gap> Display( Smooth.Log );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ Log( x1 )
gap> Display( Smooth.Sin );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ Sin( x1 )
gap> Display( Smooth.Cos );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ Cos( x1 )
gap> Display( Smooth.Constant( [ 1.2, 3.4 ] ) );
ℝ^0 -> ℝ^2

‣ 1.2
‣ 3.4
gap> Display( Smooth.Zero( 2, 3 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3

‣ 0
‣ 0
‣ 0
gap> Display( Smooth.IdFunc( 2 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ x1
‣ x2
gap> Display( Smooth.Relu( 2 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ Relu( x1 )
‣ Relu( x2 )
gap> Display( Smooth.Mul( 3 ) );
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^1

‣ x1 * x2 * x3
gap> Display( Smooth.Sum( 3 ) );
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^1

‣ x1 + x2 + x3
gap> Display( Smooth.Mean( 3 ) );
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^1

‣ (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3
gap> Display( Smooth.Variance( 3 ) );
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^1

‣ ((x1 - (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3) ^ 2 + (x2 - (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3) ^ 2
   + (x3 - (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3) ^ 2) / 3
gap> Display( Smooth.StandardDeviation( 3 ) );
ℝ^3 -> ℝ^1

‣ Sqrt( ((x1 - (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3) ^ 2 + (x2 - (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3) ^ 2
  + (x3 - (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3) ^ 2) / 3 )
gap> Display( Smooth.Power( 6 ) );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ x1 ^ 6
gap> Display( Smooth.PowerBase( 6 ) );
ℝ^1 -> ℝ^1

‣ 6 ^ x1
gap> Display( Smooth.Sigmoid( 2 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ 1 / (1 + Exp( (- x1) ))
‣ 1 / (1 + Exp( (- x2) ))
gap> Display( Smooth.Softmax( 2 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^2

‣ Exp( x1 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ))
‣ Exp( x2 ) / (Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ))
gap> Display( Smooth.QuadraticLoss( 2 ) );
ℝ^4 -> ℝ^1

‣ ((x1 - x3) ^ 2 + (x2 - x4) ^ 2) / 2
gap> Display( Smooth.BinaryCrossEntropyLoss( 1 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^1

‣ - (x2 * Log( x1 ) + (1 - x2) * Log( (1 - x1) ))
gap> Display( Smooth.SigmoidBinaryCrossEntropyLoss( 1 ) );
ℝ^2 -> ℝ^1

‣ Log( 1 + Exp( (- x1) ) ) + (1 - x2) * x1
gap> Display( Smooth.CrossEntropyLoss( 3 ) );
ℝ^6 -> ℝ^1

‣ (- (Log( x1 ) * x4 + Log( x2 ) * x5 + Log( x3 ) * x6)) / 3
gap> Display( Smooth.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss( 3 ) );
ℝ^6 -> ℝ^1

‣ ((Log( Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) + Exp( x3 ) ) - x1) * x4
  + (Log( Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) + Exp( x3 ) ) - x2) * x5
  + (Log( Exp( x1 ) + Exp( x2 ) + Exp( x3 ) ) - x3) * x6) / 3
gap> Display( Smooth.AffineTransformation( 2, 3 ) );
ℝ^11 -> ℝ^3

‣ x1 * x10 + x2 * x11 + x3
‣ x4 * x10 + x5 * x11 + x6
‣ x7 * x10 + x8 * x11 + x9
gap> Display( Smooth.PolynomialTransformation( 2, 3, 2 ) );
ℝ^20 -> ℝ^3

‣ x1 * x19 ^ 2 + x2 * (x19 ^ 1 * x20 ^ 1) + x3 * x19 ^ 1
  + x4 * x20 ^ 2 + x5 * x20 ^ 1 + x6 * 1
‣ x7 * x19 ^ 2 + x8 * (x19 ^ 1 * x20 ^ 1) + x9 * x19 ^ 1
  + x10 * x20 ^ 2 + x11 * x20 ^ 1 + x12 * 1
‣ x13 * x19 ^ 2 + x14 * (x19 ^ 1 * x20 ^ 1) + x15 * x19 ^ 1
  + x16 * x20 ^ 2 + x17 * x20 ^ 1 + x18 * 1

1.4 Expressions

gap> vars := [ "x", "y", "z" ];
[ "x", "y", "z" ]
gap> e1 := Expression( vars, "x + Sin( y ) * Log( z )" );
x + Sin( y ) * Log( z )
gap> e2 := Expression( vars, "( x * y + Sin( z ) ) ^ 2" );
(x * y + Sin( z )) ^ 2
gap> CategoriesOfObject( e1 );
[ "IsExtAElement", "IsNearAdditiveElement", "IsNearAdditiveElementWithZero",
  "IsNearAdditiveElementWithInverse", "IsAdditiveElement", "IsExtLElement",
  "IsExtRElement", "IsMultiplicativeElement", "IsExpression" ]
gap> KnownAttributesOfObject( e1 );
[ "String", "Variables" ]
gap> String( e1 );
"x + Sin( y ) * Log( z )"
gap> Variables( e1 );
[ "x", "y", "z" ]
gap> e1 + e2;
x + Sin( y ) * Log( z ) + (x * y + Sin( z )) ^ 2
gap> e1 * e2;
(x + Sin( y ) * Log( z )) * (x * y + Sin( z )) ^ 2
gap> e := Sin( e1 ) / e2;
Sin( (x + Sin( y ) * Log( z )) ) / (x * y + Sin( z )) ^ 2
gap> f := AsFunction( e );
function( vec ) ... end
gap> Display( f );
function ( vec )
    local x, y, z;
    Assert( 0, IsDenseList( vec ) and Length( vec ) = 3 );
    x := vec[1];
    y := vec[2];
    z := vec[3];
    return Sin( (x + Sin( y ) * Log( z )) ) / (x * y + Sin( z )) ^ 2;
gap> x := [ 3, 2, 4 ];
[ 3, 2, 4 ]
gap> f( x );
gap> dummy_input := ConvertToExpressions( [ "x1", "x2", "x3" ] );
[ x1, x2, x3 ]
gap> f( dummy_input );
Sin( (x1 + Sin( x2 ) * Log( x3 )) ) / (x1 * x2 + Sin( x3 )) ^ 2
gap> AssignExpressions( dummy_input );
#I  MakeReadWriteGlobal: x1 already read-write
#I  MakeReadWriteGlobal: x2 already read-write
#I  MakeReadWriteGlobal: x3 already read-write
gap> x1;
gap> Variables( x1 );
[ "x1", "x2", "x3" ]
gap> [ [ x1, x2 ] ] * [ [ x3 ], [ -x3 ] ];
[ [ x1 * x3 + x2 * (- x3) ] ]
gap> e := Sin( x1 ) / Cos( x1 ) + Sin( x2 ) ^ 2 + Cos( x2 ) ^ 2;
Sin( x1 ) / Cos( x1 ) + Sin( x2 ) ^ 2 + Cos( x2 ) ^ 2
gap> SimplifyExpressionUsingPython( [ e ] );
[ "Tan(x1) + 1" ]
gap> Diff( e, 1 )( dummy_input );
Sin( x1 ) ^ 2 / Cos( x1 ) ^ 2 + 1
gap> LazyDiff( e, 1 )( dummy_input );;
gap> # Diff( [ "x1", "x2", "x3" ],
> #  "(((Sin(x1))/(Cos(x1)))+((Sin(x2))^(2)))+((Cos(x2))^(2))", 1 )( [ x1, x2, x3 ] );
gap> JacobianMatrixUsingPython( [ x1*Cos(x2)+Exp(x3), x1*x2*x3 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
[ [ "Cos(x2)", "-x1*Sin(x2)", "Exp(x3)" ], [ "x2*x3", "x1*x3", "x1*x2" ] ]
gap> JacobianMatrix( [ "x1", "x2", "x3" ], [ "x1*Cos(x2)+Exp(x3)", "x1*x2*x3" ],
>                                                         [ 1, 2, 3 ] )(dummy_input);
[ [ Cos(x2), (-x1)*Sin(x2), Exp(x3) ], [ x2*x3, x1*x3, x1*x2 ] ]
gap> LaTeXOutputUsingPython( e );
"\\frac{\\sin{\\left(x_{1} \\right)}}{\\cos{\\left(x_{1} \\right)}}
+ \\sin^{2}{\\left(x_{2} \\right)} + \\cos^{2}{\\left(x_{2} \\right)}"
gap> sigmoid := Expression( [ "x" ], "Exp(x)/(1+Exp(x))" );
Exp( x ) / (1 + Exp( x ))
gap> sigmoid := AsFunction( sigmoid );
function( vec ) ... end
gap> sigmoid( [ 0 ] );
gap> points := List( 0.1 * [ -20 .. 20 ], x -> [ x, sigmoid( [ x ] ) ] );
[ [ -2., 0.119203 ], [ -1.9, 0.130108 ], [ -1.8, 0.141851 ], [ -1.7, 0.154465 ],
  [ -1.6, 0.167982 ], [ -1.5, 0.182426 ], [ -1.4, 0.197816 ], [ -1.3, 0.214165 ],
  [ -1.2, 0.231475 ], [ -1.1, 0.24974 ], [ -1., 0.268941 ], [ -0.9, 0.28905 ],
  [ -0.8, 0.310026 ], [ -0.7, 0.331812 ],  [ -0.6, 0.354344 ], [ -0.5, 0.377541 ],
  [ -0.4, 0.401312 ], [ -0.3, 0.425557 ], [ -0.2, 0.450166 ], [ -0.1, 0.475021 ],
  [ 0., 0.5 ], [ 0.1, 0.524979 ], [ 0.2, 0.549834 ], [ 0.3, 0.574443 ],
  [ 0.4, 0.598688 ], [ 0.5, 0.622459 ], [ 0.6, 0.645656 ], [ 0.7, 0.668188 ],
  [ 0.8, 0.689974 ], [ 0.9, 0.71095 ], [ 1., 0.731059 ], [ 1.1, 0.75026 ],
  [ 1.2, 0.768525 ], [ 1.3, 0.785835 ], [ 1.4, 0.802184 ],  [ 1.5, 0.817574 ],
  [ 1.6, 0.832018 ], [ 1.7, 0.845535 ], [ 1.8, 0.858149 ], [ 1.9, 0.869892 ],
  [ 2., 0.880797 ] ]
gap> labels := List( points, point -> SelectBasedOnCondition( point[2] < 0.5, 0, 1 ) );
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
gap> ScatterPlotUsingPython( points, labels : size := "100", action := "save" );;
gap> # e.g, dir("/tmp/gaptempdirX7Qsal/")
> AsCythonFunction( [ [ "x", "y" ], [ "z" ] ], [ "f", "g" ], [ "x*y", "Sin(z)" ] );;
gap> # e.g.,
> # cd /tmp/gaptempdirI6rq3l/
> #
> # start python!
> #
> # from cython_functions import f, g;
gap> #
> # # w = [ 2 entries :) ]
> #
> # # f(w)
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