

The Julia package HomalgProject provides simplified access to the repositories of the GAP packages hosted on the GitHub organization homalg-project, most of which are based on the

These are open source GAP multi-package projects for constructive category theory and homological algebra with applications to module theory of commutative and non-commutative algebras and algebraic geometry.


Install Julia

To install Julia follow the first Steps 0 and 1 on our installation page.

Install HomalgProject.jl

Then start julia in a terminal and add the package HomalgProject:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("HomalgProject")

julia> using HomalgProject


The correctness of the installation and the availability of the functionality can at any time be tested using

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.test("HomalgProject")


After each update of the Julia package GAP a rebuild is (probably) necessary:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.update("HomalgProject")

julia> Pkg.build("HomalgProject")

This will also clone the repositories listed in CapAndHomalg.PACKAGES_TO_DOWNLOAD using DownloadAllPackagesFromHomalgProject and compile the packages listed in CapAndHomalg.PACKAGES_TO_COMPILE using GAP.Packages.install(pkgname).

Software dependency

HomalgProject relies on the

computer algebra systemsthrough the Julia packages
NemoNemo = Nemo.jl

all of which are components of the computer algebra system OSCAR.

Some of the bundled packages use the GAP packages

and the

third party softwarethrough the GAP packagesand the Julia packages

<!– | cddlib | CddInterface | cddlib_jll.jl | | Normaliz | NormalizInterface | normaliz_jll.jl | –>

General Disclaimer

The software comes with absolutely no warranty and will most likely have errors. If you use it for computations, please check the correctness of the result very carefully.

This software is licensed under the LGPL, version 3, or any later version.


The development of this package and many of the GAP packages hosted on the GitHub organization homalg-project was partially funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) through the



The Julia package HomalgProject provides simplified access to the repositories of the GAP packages hosted at the GitHub organization https://github.com/homalg-project, most of which are based on the

These are open source GAP multi-package projects for constructive category theory and homological algebra with applications to module theory of commutative and non-commutative algebras and algebraic geometry.

Software dependency

HomalgProject relies on the

computer algebra systemsthrough the Julia packages
NemoNemo = Nemo.jl

all of which are components of the computer algebra system OSCAR.

Some of the bundled packages use the GAP packages

  • IO
  • ferret
  • json
  • QPA2

and the

third party softwarethrough the GAP packages

General Disclaimer

The software comes with absolutely no warranty and will most likely have errors. If you use it for computations, please check the correctness of the result very carefully.

This software is licensed under the LGPL, version 3, or any later version.


The development of this package and many of the GAP packages hosted on the GitHub organization homalg-project was partially funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) through the

More information and the online documentation can be found at the source code repository



The version number of the loaded HomalgProject. Please mention this number in any bug report.
