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4 Interface with homalg
 4.1 Operations

4 Interface with homalg

4.1 Operations

4.1-1 AsPresentationInHomalg
‣ AsPresentationInHomalg( M )( attribute )

Returns: a graded lp in homalg

The input is a graded lp in CAP and the output is the corresponding graded lp in homalg.

4.1-2 AsPresentationInCAP
‣ AsPresentationInCAP( M )( attribute )

Returns: a graded lp in CAP

The input is a graded lp in homalg and the output is the corresponding graded lp in CAP.

4.1-3 AsPresentationMorphismInHomalg
‣ AsPresentationMorphismInHomalg( phi )( attribute )

Returns: a graded lp in homalg

The input is a graded lp morphism in CAP and the output is the corresponding graded lp morphism in homalg.

4.1-4 AsPresentationMorphismInCAP
‣ AsPresentationMorphismInCAP( phi )( attribute )

Returns: a graded lp in CAP

The input is a graded lp morphism in homalg and the output is the corresponding graded lp morphism in CAP.

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