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3 Linear Programs
 3.1 Creating and solving linear programs

3 Linear Programs

3.1 Creating and solving linear programs

3.1-1 Cdd_LinearProgram
‣ Cdd_LinearProgram( P, str, obj )( operation )

Returns: a CddLinearProgram Object

The function takes three variables. The first is a polyhedron poly, the second str should be "max" or "min" and the third obj is the objective function.

3.1-2 Cdd_SolveLinearProgram
‣ Cdd_SolveLinearProgram( lp )( operation )

Returns: a list if the program is optimal, otherwise returns the value 0

The function takes a linear program. If the program is optimal, the function returns a list of two entries, the solution vector and the optimal value of the objective, otherwise it returns fail.

To illustrate the using of these functions, let us solve the linear program given by:

\textbf{Maximize}\;\;P(x,y)= 1-2x+5y,\;\mathrm{with}

100\leq x \leq 200,80\leq y\leq 170,y \geq -x+200.

We bring the inequalities to the form b+AX\geq 0 and get:

-100+x\geq 0, 200-x \geq 0, -80+y \geq 0, 170 -y \geq 0,-200 +x+y \geq 0.

gap> A:= Cdd_PolyhedronByInequalities( [ [ -100, 1, 0 ], [ 200, -1, 0 ],
> [ -80, 0, 1 ], [ 170, 0, -1 ], [ -200, 1, 1 ] ] );
<Polyhedron given by its H-representation>
gap> lp1:= Cdd_LinearProgram( A, "max", [1, -2, 5 ] );
<Linear program>
gap> Display( lp1 );
Linear program given by:
   5 X 3  rational

   -100     1     0
    200    -1     0
    -80     0     1
    170     0    -1
   -200     1     1
max  [ 1, -2, 5 ]
gap> Cdd_SolveLinearProgram( lp1 );
[ [ 100, 170 ], 651 ]
gap> lp2:= Cdd_LinearProgram( A, "min", [ 1, -2, 5 ] );
<Linear program>
gap> Display( lp2 );
Linear program given by:
   5 X 3  rational

   -100     1     0
    200    -1     0
    -80     0     1
    170     0    -1
   -200     1     1
min  [ 1, -2, 5 ]
gap> Cdd_SolveLinearProgram( lp2 );
[ [ 200, 80 ], 1 ]
gap> B:= Cdd_V_Rep( A );
<Polyhedron given by its V-representation>
gap> Display( B );
   5 X 3  rational

   1  100  170
   1  100  100
   1  120   80
   1  200   80
   1  200  170

So the optimal solution for \texttt{lp1} is (x=100,y=170) with optimal value p=1-2(100)+5(170)=651 and for \texttt{lp2} is (x=200,y=80) with optimal value p=1-2(200)+5(80)=1.

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