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2 Category of relations
 2.1 GAP categories
 2.2 Constructors
 2.3 Attributes
 2.4 Properties

2 Category of relations

2.1 GAP categories

2.1-1 IsCategoryOfRelations
‣ IsCategoryOfRelations( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of a category of relations

2.1-2 IsObjectInCategoryOfRelations
‣ IsObjectInCategoryOfRelations( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of objects in a category of relations.

2.1-3 IsMorphismInCategoryOfRelations
‣ IsMorphismInCategoryOfRelations( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of morphisms in a category of relations.

2.2 Constructors

2.2-1 CategoryOfRelations
‣ CategoryOfRelations( arg )( attribute )

2.2-2 AsMorphismInCategoryOfRelations
‣ AsMorphismInCategoryOfRelations( arg )( attribute )

2.3 Attributes

2.3-1 UnderlyingCategory
‣ UnderlyingCategory( arg )( attribute )

2.3-2 UnitObjectInCategoryOfRelations
‣ UnitObjectInCategoryOfRelations( arg )( attribute )

2.3-3 UnderlyingCell
‣ UnderlyingCell( arg )( attribute )

2.3-4 UnderlyingSpan
‣ UnderlyingSpan( arg )( attribute )

2.3-5 MaximalRelationIntoTerminalObject
‣ MaximalRelationIntoTerminalObject( arg )( attribute )

2.3-6 PseudoInverse
‣ PseudoInverse( arg )( attribute )

2.3-7 PseudoInverseOfHonestMorphism
‣ PseudoInverseOfHonestMorphism( arg )( attribute )

2.3-8 EmbeddingOfRelationInDirectProduct
‣ EmbeddingOfRelationInDirectProduct( arg )( attribute )

2.3-9 SourceProjection
‣ SourceProjection( arg )( attribute )

2.3-10 RangeProjection
‣ RangeProjection( arg )( attribute )

2.3-11 StandardizedSpan
‣ StandardizedSpan( arg )( attribute )

2.3-12 MorphismByStandardizedSpan
‣ MorphismByStandardizedSpan( arg )( attribute )

2.3-13 HonestRepresentative
‣ HonestRepresentative( arg )( attribute )

2.4 Properties

2.4-1 IsHonest
‣ IsHonest( rho )( property )

Returns: true or false

The input is a morphsm \rho in the category of relations. The output is true if the domain of \rho is an isomorphism.

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