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6 Functors
 6.1 Endofunctors of finitely presented modules

6 Functors

6.1 Endofunctors of finitely presented modules

6.1-1 FunctorStandardPresentationOfFpLeftModule
‣ FunctorStandardPresentationOfFpLeftModule( A )( attribute )

Returns: a functor

The argument is an additve closure category A of a ring. The output is a functor which takes a graded left presentation as input and computes its standard presentation.

6.1-2 FunctorStandardPresentationOfFpRightModule
‣ FunctorStandardPresentationOfFpRightModule( A )( attribute )

Returns: a functor

The argument is an additve closure category A of a ring. The output is a functor which takes a graded right presentation as input and computes its standard presentation.

6.1-3 FunctorGetRidOfZeroGeneratorsOfFpLeftModule
‣ FunctorGetRidOfZeroGeneratorsOfFpLeftModule( A )( attribute )

Returns: a functor

The argument is an additve closure category A of a ring. The output is a functor which takes a graded left presentation as input and gets rid of the zero generators.

6.1-4 FunctorGetRidOfZeroGeneratorsOfFpRightModule
‣ FunctorGetRidOfZeroGeneratorsOfFpRightModule( A )( attribute )

Returns: a functor

The argument is an additve closure category A of a ring. The output is a functor which takes a graded right presentation as input and gets rid of the zero generators.

6.1-5 FunctorLessGeneratorsOfLeftFpModule
‣ FunctorLessGeneratorsOfLeftFpModule( A )( attribute )

Returns: a functor

The argument is an additve closure category A of a ring. The output is functor which takes a graded left presentation as input and computes a presentation having less generators.

6.1-6 FunctorLessGeneratorsOfRightFpModule
‣ FunctorLessGeneratorsOfRightFpModule( A )( attribute )

Returns: a functor

The argument is an additve closure category A of a ring. The output is functor which takes a graded right presentation as input and computes a presentation having less generators.

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