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2 Internal algebra elements
 2.1 Constructors
 2.2 Attributes
 2.3 Operations
 2.4 GAP Categories

2 Internal algebra elements

2.1 Constructors

2.1-1 InternalElement
‣ InternalElement( iota )( operation )
‣ InternalElement( A, chi, degree, i )( operation )
‣ InternalElement( A, chi, i )( operation )
‣ InternalElement( phi, M )( operation )
‣ InternalElement( M, chi, degree, i )( operation )
‣ InternalElement( M, chi, i )( operation )

Returns: a CAP morphism

2.2 Attributes

2.2-1 UnderlyingEmbedding
‣ UnderlyingEmbedding( p )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category morphism (IsMorphismInZGradedClosureCategoryWithBounds)

2.2-2 NonZeroDegrees
‣ NonZeroDegrees( e )( attribute )

Returns: a list

2.2-3 NonZeroParts
‣ NonZeroParts( e )( attribute )

Returns: a list

2.2-4 NonZeroPartsWithDegrees
‣ NonZeroPartsWithDegrees( e )( attribute )

Returns: a list

2.2-5 SupportWithDegrees
‣ SupportWithDegrees( e )( attribute )

Returns: a list

2.2-6 AdditiveInverse
‣ AdditiveInverse( e )( attribute )

Returns: an element of an internal algebra or module

2.2-7 UniversalMorphismFromFreeModule
‣ UniversalMorphismFromFreeModule( e )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP morphism

2.3 Operations

2.3-1 InternalPreAddition
‣ InternalPreAddition( e1, e2 )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a positively Z-graded category

2.3-2 +
‣ +( e1, e2 )( operation )

Returns: an element of an internal algebra or module

2.3-3 -
‣ -( e1, e2 )( operation )

Returns: an element of an internal algebra or module

2.3-4 InternalPreMultiplication
‣ InternalPreMultiplication( a, m )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in a positively Z-graded category

2.3-5 *
‣ *( a, m )( operation )

Returns: a ring element and an element of an internal algebra or module

2.3-6 BraidedMultiplication
‣ BraidedMultiplication( a, b )( operation )

Returns: an element of an internal algebra

2.3-7 []
‣ []( e )( operation )

Returns: an element of an internal algebra or module

2.4 GAP Categories

2.4-1 IsInternalAlgebra
‣ IsInternalAlgebra( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

2.4-2 IsElementInInternalAlgebraOrModule
‣ IsElementInInternalAlgebraOrModule( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

2.4-3 IsElementInInternalAlgebra
‣ IsElementInInternalAlgebra( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

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