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1 Categories with ambient objects
 1.1 Categories
 1.2 Attributes
 1.3 Constructors

1 Categories with ambient objects

1.1 Categories

1.1-1 IsCapCategoryWithAmbientObjects
‣ IsCapCategoryWithAmbientObjects( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of lazy evaluated generalized embeddings in ambient objects.

1.1-2 IsLazyGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ IsLazyGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of lazy evaluated generalized embeddings in ambient objects.

1.1-3 IsCapCategoryObjectWithAmbientObject
‣ IsCapCategoryObjectWithAmbientObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of objects with ambient objects in a CAP category.

1.1-4 IsCapCategoryMorphismWithAmbientObject
‣ IsCapCategoryMorphismWithAmbientObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of morphisms between objects with ambient objects in a CAP category.

1.2 Attributes

1.2-1 EvaluatedGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ EvaluatedGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject( gen )( attribute )

The evaluation of the lazy generalized embedding gen.

1.2-2 GeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ GeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject( M )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP generalized monomorphism

The generalized embedding of the object M into its ambient object.

1.2-3 EmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ EmbeddingInAmbientObject( gen )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP monomorphism

The embedding of the object M into its ambient object modulo the aid, i.e., the output is the associated monomorphism of the lazy generalized monomorphism gen with domain = identity.

1.2-4 EmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ EmbeddingInAmbientObject( M )( attribute )

1.3 Constructors

1.3-1 CreateLazyGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ CreateLazyGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject( M, f, L )( operation )

Construct a lazy evaluated generalized embedding with source M using the procedure f and the list of pre-arguments L, which itself consists of pairs with first entry being a procedure and second its single argument. Use: CallFuncList( f, List( L, a -> a[1]( a[2] ) ) ). The input M is recovered by applying UnderlyingCell to the output. The list L should not include procedures which depend on their code-context, since otherwise GAP is forced to attach the code-context to the output.

1.3-2 LazyGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ LazyGeneralizedEmbeddingInAmbientObject( M )( operation )

The generalized embedding of the object M into its ambient object.

1.3-3 ObjectWithAmbientObject
‣ ObjectWithAmbientObject( iota, A )( operation )

Returns: an object in the category A with ambient objects

Construct an object in the category A with ambient objects out of the generalized embedding iota.

1.3-4 ObjectWithAmbientObject
‣ ObjectWithAmbientObject( o, A )( operation )

Returns: an object in the category A with ambient objects

Construct an object in the category A with ambient objects out of the identity morphism of o, view as a generalized embedding of o in itself.

1.3-5 ObjectWithAmbientObjectFromLazyGeneralizedEmbedding
‣ ObjectWithAmbientObjectFromLazyGeneralizedEmbedding( iota, A )( operation )

Returns: an object in the category A with ambient objects

Construct an object in the category A with ambient objects out of the lazy generalized embedding iota.

1.3-6 MorphismWithAmbientObject
‣ MorphismWithAmbientObject( phi, A )( operation )

Returns: a morphism in the category A with ambient objects

1.3-7 CategoryWithAmbientObjects
‣ CategoryWithAmbientObjects( A )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

1.3-8 DisplayEmbeddingInAmbientObject
‣ DisplayEmbeddingInAmbientObject( M )( operation )

Returns: nothing

Display the embedding of the object M into its ambient object.

1.3-9 WithAmbientObject
‣ WithAmbientObject( F, name, A, B )( operation )
‣ WithAmbientObject( F, A, B )( operation )
‣ WithAmbientObject( F, name, A )( operation )
‣ WithAmbientObject( F, A )( operation )

Returns: a CAP functor

Wrap the CAP functor F:UnderlyingCategory(A)->UnderlyingCategory(B), where A and B are categories with ambient objects.

1.3-10 WithAmbientObject
‣ WithAmbientObject( eta, name, F, G )( operation )
‣ WithAmbientObject( eta, F, G )( operation )

Returns: a CAP natural transformation

Wrap the CAP natural transformation eta:F!.UnderlyingFunctor->G!.UnderlyingFunctor, where F and G are functors between categories with ambient objects.

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