#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "Algebroids", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> QQ := HomalgFieldOfRationals( );; gap> snake_quiver := RightQuiver( "q(4)[a:1->2,b:2->3,c:3->4]" );; gap> A := PathAlgebra( QQ, snake_quiver );; gap> SetRingFilter( A, IsQuiverAlgebra ); gap> SetRingElementFilter( A, IsQuiverAlgebraElement ); gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> # only valid for the construction above > # FIXME: IsInt should be IsRat, but specializations of types are not yet supported by CompilerForCAP > CapJitAddTypeSignature( "CoefficientsOfPaths", [ IsList, IsQuiverAlgebraElement ], CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( IsInt ) ); gap> CapJitAddTypeSignature( "HomStructureOnBasisPaths", [ IsAlgebroid ], function ( input_types ) > > return CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( IsInt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); end ); gap> # EXPERIMENTAL > Add( CAP_JIT_EXPENSIVE_FUNCTION_NAMES, "CoefficientsOfPaths" ); gap> precompile_AdditiveClosureOfAlgebroid := > function( Rq, over_Z, ring ) > CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > EvalString( ReplacedString( """Rq -> AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( > Rq, over_Z : FinalizeCategory := true > ) )""", "over_Z", String( over_Z ) ) ), > [ Rq ], > "Algebroids", > Concatenation( > "AdditiveClosureOfAlgebroidOfFiniteDimensionalQuiverAlgebraOfRightQuiverOver", > ring, > "Precompiled" > ) : > operations := "primitive" > ); end;; gap> precompile_AdditiveClosureOfAlgebroid( A, false, "Field" ); gap> precompile_AdditiveClosureOfAlgebroid( A, true, "Z" ); gap> AdditiveClosureOfAlgebroidOfFiniteDimensionalQuiverAlgebraOfRightQuiverOverFieldPrecompiled( A ); AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( Q, FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(4)[a:1->2,b:2->3,c:3->4]" ) ) ) ) gap> AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( A, false ) )!.precompiled_functions_added; true gap> AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( A, true ) )!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "Algebroids", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> CapJitAddTypeSignature( "\*", [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsInt ], input_types -> input_types[1] );; gap> category_constructor := > data_tables -> AdditiveClosure( AlgebroidFromDataTables( ShallowCopy( data_tables ) : range_of_HomStructure := CategoryOfRows_as_AdditiveClosure_RingAsCategory( data_tables[1] : FinalizeCategory := true ), FinalizeCategory := true ) );; gap> Q := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular();; gap> q := FinQuiver( "q(*)[x:*->*]" );; gap> given_arguments := > [ NTuple( 5, > # coefficients_ring > Q, > # quiver > q, > # decomposition_indices_of_bases_elements > [ [ [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ] ] ], > # hom_structure_gmors_objs > [ [ [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] ] ], > # hom_structure_objs_gmors > [ [ [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] ] ] ) ];; gap> compiled_category_name := "AdditiveClosureOfAlgebroidFromDataTablesPrecompiled";; gap> package_name := "Algebroids";; gap> CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > given_arguments, > package_name, > compiled_category_name > : operations := "primitive" > );; gap> A := AdditiveClosureOfAlgebroidFromDataTablesPrecompiled( given_arguments[1] );; gap> A!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "Algebroids", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> QQ := HomalgFieldOfRationals( );; gap> snake_quiver := RightQuiver( "q(4)[a:1->2,b:2->3,c:3->4]" );; gap> A := PathAlgebra( QQ, snake_quiver );; gap> SetRingFilter( A, IsQuiverAlgebra ); gap> SetRingElementFilter( A, IsQuiverAlgebraElement ); gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> # only valid for the construction above > # FIXME: IsInt should be IsRat, but specializations of types are not yet supported by CompilerForCAP > # this might already have been added by PrecompileAdditiveClosureOfAlgebroid.g > if not IsBound( CAP_JIT_INTERNAL_TYPE_SIGNATURES.CoefficientsOfPaths ) then CapJitAddTypeSignature( "CoefficientsOfPaths", [ IsList, IsQuiverAlgebraElement ], CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( IsInt ) ); fi; gap> if not IsBound( CAP_JIT_INTERNAL_TYPE_SIGNATURES.HomStructureOnBasisPaths ) then > CapJitAddTypeSignature( "HomStructureOnBasisPaths", [ IsAlgebroid ], function ( input_types ) > > return CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( > CapJitDataTypeOfListOf( IsInt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); end ); fi; gap> # EXPERIMENTAL > Add( CAP_JIT_EXPENSIVE_FUNCTION_NAMES, "CoefficientsOfPaths" ); gap> precompile_AdelmanCategoryOfAdditiveClosureOfAlgebroid := function( Rq, over_Z, ring ) > CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > EvalString( ReplacedString( """Rq -> AdelmanCategory( AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( > Rq, over_Z : FinalizeCategory := true > ) : FinalizeCategory := true ) )""", "over_Z", String( over_Z ) ) ), > [ Rq ], > "Algebroids", > Concatenation( > "AdelmanCategoryOfAdditiveClosureOfAlgebroidOfFiniteDimensionalQuiverAlgebraOfRightQuiverOver", > ring, > "Precompiled" > ) : > operations := [ > "IsZeroForMorphisms", > "CokernelProjection", > "IsDominating", > "IsEqualAsSubobjects", > ] > ); end;; gap> precompile_AdelmanCategoryOfAdditiveClosureOfAlgebroid( A, false, "Field" ); gap> precompile_AdelmanCategoryOfAdditiveClosureOfAlgebroid( A, true, "Z" ); gap> AdelmanCategoryOfAdditiveClosureOfAlgebroidOfFiniteDimensionalQuiverAlgebraOfRightQuiverOverFieldPrecompiled( A ); Adelman category( AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( Q, FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(4)[a:1->2,b:2->3,c:3->4]" ) ) ) ) ) gap> AdelmanCategoryOfAdditiveClosureOfAlgebroidOfFiniteDimensionalQuiverAlgebraOfRightQuiverOverZPrecompiled( A ); Adelman category( AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( Z, FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(4)[a:1->2,b:2->3,c:3->4]" ) ) ) ) ) gap> AdelmanCategory( AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( A, false ) ) )!.precompiled_functions_added; true gap> AdelmanCategory( AdditiveClosure( Algebroid( A, true ) ) )!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
#@if ValueOption( "no_precompiled_code" ) <> true and String({}->1-[1-1]) = "function ( ) return 1 - [ (1 - 1) ]; end" gap> LoadPackage( "Algebroids", false ); true gap> LoadPackage( "CompilerForCAP", ">= 2024.07-09", false ); true gap> ReadPackageOnce( "Algebroids", "gap/CompilerLogic.gi" ); true gap> category_constructor := > function( quiver ) > local sFinSets; sFinSets := SkeletalCategoryOfFiniteSets( : FinalizeCategory := true ); return CategoryFromDataTables( FreeCategory( quiver : range_of_HomStructure := sFinSets, FinalizeCategory := true ) ); end;; gap> given_arguments := [ RightQuiver( "q(a,b)[m:a->b]" ) ];; gap> compiled_category_name := "CategoryFromDataTablesPrecompiled";; gap> package_name := "Algebroids";; gap> CapJitPrecompileCategoryAndCompareResult( > category_constructor, > given_arguments, > package_name, > compiled_category_name > : operations := "primitive" );; gap> CategoryFromDataTablesPrecompiled( given_arguments[1] ); FreeCategory( RightQuiver( "q(a,b)[m:a->b]" ) ) gap> CategoryFromDataTables( FreeCategory( given_arguments[1] ) )!.precompiled_functions_added; true #@fi
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