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11 The Category Constructor
 11.1 Info class
 11.2 Constructors

11 The Category Constructor

11.1 Info class

11.1-1 InfoCategoryConstructor
‣ InfoCategoryConstructor( info class )

Info class controlling the debugging output of CategoryConstructor (11.2-1).

11.2 Constructors

11.2-1 CategoryConstructor
‣ CategoryConstructor( options )( operation )

Returns: a CAP category

Creates a CAP category subject to the options given via options, which is a record with the following keys:

The values of the keys create_func_* should be either the string "default" or functions which accept the category and the name of a CAP operation of the corresponding return_type. Values for return types occuring for operations in list_of_operations_to_install are mandatory. The functions must return either strings or pairs of a string and an integer: The strings (after some replacements described below) will be evaluated and added as installations of the corresponding operations to the category with weights given by the integer (if provided). The value "default" chooses a suitable default string (see the implementation for details) and gets the weights from underlying_category. The following placeholders may be used in the strings and are replaced automatically:

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