A Gap4
-package which provides an interface to the software topcom
( This interface requires topcom
version 1.1.2. It may or may not work with newer version. Communication with older version is most likely not possibly with this software.
To get the latest version of this GAP 4 package pull the corresponding branch from github. Subsequently, issue make install
inside the package folder.
Details of build
The build step will download topcom
from and then install it in the subfolder topcom
of the package folder of TopcomInterface
Currently, some functionality of topcom
is not yet supported. In particular, this include the command line options -d, -h, -v, cardinality[k], frequency[ k ] and the input-type “chiro”.
Documentation and test
You can create the documentation for this package by issuing make doc
. Tests are executed upon make test
E-mail me if there are any questions, remarks, suggestions. Also, I would like to hear about applications of this package: Martin Bies,
The work of Martin Bies is supported by SFB-TRR 195 Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application of the German Research Foundation (DFG)