The Higher Homological Algebra project
This is the home of the Higher Homological Algebra project. It consists of several GAP packages,
all of which depend on homalg_project
and CAP_project
Packages in the project
This project requires GAP version >= 4.12.1. For more information about the dependencies take a look at the individual packages' sites.
To install the project, start by installing the latest version of GAP from Please refer to the installation description there for details. Since the project has fairly new dependencies, earlier versions of GAP might not work.
Then download the tarballs of the Higher Homological Algebra project
packages from the above links into ~/.gap/pkg/
Alternatively, clone or download the repository
via git and put it into ~/.gap/pkg/
Now you should be able LoadPackage( "DerivedCategories" );
For bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, please use the issue tracker.